Hi Out there in Trainzland,
Does anybody know how to tell the download station that you do not want specific downloads or updates automaticaly downloaded?
I have my auto downloads switched off at this time because I have not installed either Murchison or S & C in my current installation as I believe that they stopped my iPortals working previously.
Unfortunatly I do have other paid items that probably could do with being updated.
It could be done by being quick on the trigger but as I am subject to interuptions daily I could redownload by accident!
Any thoughts?
Many thanks
Old Bill
Does anybody know how to tell the download station that you do not want specific downloads or updates automaticaly downloaded?
I have my auto downloads switched off at this time because I have not installed either Murchison or S & C in my current installation as I believe that they stopped my iPortals working previously.
Unfortunatly I do have other paid items that probably could do with being updated.
It could be done by being quick on the trigger but as I am subject to interuptions daily I could redownload by accident!
Any thoughts?
Many thanks
Old Bill