Australian Chat Thread


QR Trainzer
Good Evening All,

This thread has been created to help eliminate the amount of talk on screenshot threads and other places were they don't really belong. So, here's a thread were you can go wild and chat as much as you like without being asked to stop.

Yes, I realised that just before.

Mods please feel free to move this thread over if necessary.

Atleast it should keep the conversations of other threads.
Good Morning All
I have moved the thread over to the Trainz Community sub-forum, since this is a community topic :)

How bout those Kiwi's givin the roo's a fair dink'm hiding last friday:pGOLD!!!!!!!!!,I guess i won't see that again untill another couple of years.
Nice to see this thread being used and not clogging up other screenshot thre- oh wait...

Well at least I made an attempt to stop the issue and if those clogging up the place decide to keep doing so, I would be more then happy to just see them banned as I have given them a second chance.

maybe drop the attitude to hey
Listen littlebambi, I'm not having a go at you, I'm just sick of seeing the aussie screenshots (and some other) threads being spammed about stuff that isn't even trainz or aussie related.
Well don't you think this is what this thread is for, to remove such content of threads such as the Australian Screenshots. I placed a suggestion up, a few agreed so I made a thread and if the spammers don't stop then why don't you do something to stop em.
Congrats on becoming a mod will send you the list of people I want to see banned to
Well at least I made an attempt to stop the issue and if those clogging up the place decide to keep doing so, I would be more then happy to just see them banned as I have given them a second chance.

maybe drop the attitude to hey