Asset Highlighted in Red - Why?


New member
I have found recently when browsing Content Manager and on selecting a Loco to download. It shows in the download pane in red and cannot proceed. Why if it is in my content folder does it not work. Is there some way to make it available to download? This happens only occasionally but I would love to know why. regards JohnMac
I have found recently when browsing Content Manager and on selecting a Loco to download. It shows in the download pane in red and cannot proceed. Why if it is in my content folder does it not work. Is there some way to make it available to download? This happens only occasionally but I would love to know why. regards JohnMac

It could be due to a couple of reasons with one related to the network mess they had yesterday on their internet host, and the other due to versions.

If the network is confused, you could have a database which is out of synch, meaning what you see on the server is not really known in your Trainz version on your end. When you try to download the asset, the database won't accept it. Eventually things will straighten out if this is the case.

The second reason may very well be versioning of the asset. If you are seeing this in TS12 Content Manager, the asset you are attempting to download is probably a version higher. You can tell if this is the issue by hovering over the red asset in the download queue. The reason why this is done is so the newer assets don't obsolete the ones you have installed, should these be updates, and because newer versions of assets do not work in the older versions, though some changes may only be a build number difference, but are prevented from downloading to be on the safe side.
Thanks guys, I suspected it was something to do with "higher value" i.e. TS12 + SP1. But weird it cannot be filtered out if not going to be available. regards JohnMac
Thanks guys, I suspected it was something to do with "higher value" i.e. TS12 + SP1. But weird it cannot be filtered out if not going to be available. regards JohnMac

It can be more obvious to the user if you right click on the headers, where it says Type Status Name and so on and tick Build Version, that way you can see what build an item is before ever downloading it.

I think this ought to be enabled by default which I have mentioned before but it falls on deaf ears, would save a lot of confusion!
Malc Thanks for that tip, so easy and so helpful. No unnecessary attempting to download, what is not to like regards JohnMac