Asset does not match database record?


Trainz Entry Level
Hi, I am trying to import a new old route into TS10 and TS09 and 192 assets have that error during the database repair. These assets are not on the dls so far as I know so what is up with that?

Most of the assets are below build 3.2 and both ts10 and 09 are at build 3.3.

The route shows as fine in content manager but does not show up in Routes or Driver.


New old route is fine in TS12 and TANE btw.
That error has no relation to the not appearing problem - you may need to turn off the favourites feature in-game by clicking the yellow star on the Routes page.

Yup, that fixed that. Thanks Shane! Now how do I address the "Asset does not match database record" error. I am guessing that it has something to do with modifications I made in older assets to get them working in TS12+ that are not compatible with TS09-10.
A "new old" route???

Sorry, didn't mean to be cryptic. I've been working on (fooling with) slugsmasher's Clear Lake V2 and gfisher's St. Barbara Island (as well as several other routes going back to the 2004,2006 era) for years now and I was wondering how compatible they would be with 2009 and 2010. Texturing on newer assets seems to be the major issue.