Article: Balezino Mosti comes to TANE

You've played Trainz Simulator HD for android or ipad. You know a lot about it. So how do the railroad crossing lights flash? Do they, or are they not supposed to? Help me out here.
Hotel gots bed bugs. I picked U.P. locos. They didn't appear. Killed by bugs? This my FIRST attempt at this creation of a being.
I got "ready" screen at bottom. Where do I go from there? To Content? Back to home page? When I select download Do I know they've been loaded?...and where,]...The Loo?
Hi can anyone help hear I go

You've played Trainz Simulator HD for android or ipad. You know a lot about it. So how do the railroad crossing lights flash? Do they, or are they not supposed to? Help me out here.
Hi I got my balezino at the great price seventy five permanent off ,but hears the bad news I'm not very computer savvy,and I've not been able to download it ,it has completely dissapeard no where to be found.ive been having some help threw the designers,but it's very slow ,Australia vs uk big time difference,they pointed me in this direction so hear I am I do hope someone can support me with this daunting challenge.please help Andy