Arrrgh! MY EYES!


New member
This thread is for those paint schemes that left you wondering what on earth the company was thinking. Either they were way too bright (some of the high visibility types would fit this) or their chosen color scheme just made you want to puke. Either way, post those pics here.

Here's mine: Totally ficticious, and has one heck of a funny story behind it. (The loco is ficticious also)


The colors, in case you can't tell, are neon lime green and canary yellow...
Web shows
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It's for my own personal little RR, the Pine Mountain. The story that goes with it is a two parter. One, the RR superintendant wanted to copy the high visibility schemes he had saw on other roads, but wanted something that was very tasteful. So, he picked what he thought was a grey and bright yellow scheme. Problem is, number two, he was color blind. So he didn't realise that he was picking this god awful bright scheme.
Wong Amat Tower Condos Pattaya
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This reminds me of when the New Hope & Ivyland Railroad in Northeastern Pennsylvania was owned by the McHugh Bros. Most of the equipment looked like it was from a misfit circus train!!! I'll get pics when......... When I feel like it, lol! :p
(Looks at the Barbie train) EEEEEWWWWW!!!! Who would do that? Excuse me, I gotta visit the paint man and give him a scold. :hehe: