Are you stuttering?


By comparison JAFA
I started a route running earlier. Normally after a fresh load, I expect a little bit of stutter. I exit Driver and restart. Normally this clears it up. This time, the stutter was horrific. After a think, I went to a program I had downloaded a while ago because the built-in Windows defrag won't let me use it after upgrading to W10 and back to Windows 7. This external program is called Defraggler. It allows me to selectively defrag a single program. Re-running Trainz afterwards, virtually all stutter had vanished over 260 miles of completed route, even using a different session.

This is all off-line BTW.
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I started a route running earlier. Normally after a fresh load, I expect a little bit of stutter. I exit Driver and restart. Normally this clears it up. This time, the stutter was horrific. After a think, I went to a program I had downloaded a while ago because the built-in Windows defrag won't let me use it after upgrading to W10 and back to Windows 7. This external program is called Defraggler. It allows me to selectively defrag a single program. Re-running Trainz afterwards, virtually all stutter had vanished over 260 miles of completed route, even using a different session.

This is all off-line BTW.

TS12 might be validating assets. I had that when I powered it up today to check on something for the beta team. It makes the program stutter terrible.

You might want to try Smart Defrag. I think that allows single file defragging.

There's also a command line utility from Microsoft called contig.exe that does a similar thing from the command line. You can get that from Sys Internals via TechNet.

Defraggler is a good programme and I would suggest you uninstall it and reinstall it and tick the box on the second window "Replace windows Disk Defragmenter". It is also resource hungry and it is best to use it when you don't need the computer for anything. Just leave it to run.

Good point - well made there Blackwatch. As the SSD's become more popular then it is a prime consideration. One good thing about defraggler is that it does not recognise SSD drives for defragging, only HDD

Good point - well made there Blackwatch. As the SSD's become more popular then it is a prime consideration. One good thing about defraggler is that it does not recognise SSD drives for defragging, only HDD


Thanks for the info. Strange thing, the copy I am using has under Settings / Options/ General:
Show SSD drives
Show Removable drives
Show Unmounted drives
Show Ejected drives
It should show ALL drives - including external, as you said. If you click on the SSD it should not even suggest a defrag.

Defraggler optimises SSD's although you can also defrag them with it.

Oh and unless you are using a prehistoric version it recognises SSD drives had done for several versions now.
Hi Bill'

As Stationmistress pointed out, there is a window that opens with all the options vis:
Show SSD drives
Show Removable drives
Show Unmounted drives
Show Ejected drives

The drives will only show in the main window if you have ticked the boxes for that type. If you do not tick the box for SSD then the drive does not "show" in the main window and it would be impossible to accidentally select it for defrag.

If the SSD drive has been ticked and you select it for defrag in the main window it throws up a warning window about possibly reducing the life of the drive - do you wish to continue.

It is just about idiot-proof I think.


Are you saying it's safe to defrag an SSD with Defraggler?

It's not unsafe per se, just pointless. SSD's are intentionally fragmented to optimise read speeds. This is because you are accessing multiple flash chips all at once rather than waiting for a read head to track to each location on a disk. Defragmenting an SSD will theoretically slow it down and reduce the life span through unnecessary operations.
