Are you sick of track noise? I can help.


Well-known member
in TS12 and T:ANE, don't know about other editions, there is a content item packed in called:

In TS: Jointed Rail Generic 4-axle Wheelsound by therock, <kuid2:37581:1221:3>
In T:ANE: Jointed Rail Generic 4-axle Wheelsound by therock, <kuid2:37581:1221:3> (don't worry about the obsolete Wheelsound content there)

This item is pretty much responsible for all the track/wheel/coupler clatter
you hear or wish to silence coz it drives you nuts.

You should know by now that when you drive locos at about 0-10 mph, you get a nasty gravel sound like gravel hitting the fender wells of a car over freshly-paved roads.
About 10-45, you get that wrenches-tumbling-in-a-clothes-dryer sound.
At speeds approaching 50 and above, you get that nice, clean, soft clickety-clack of train wheels hitting the rail joints in rhythmic fashion.

There is a way to get the good, realistic track sounds of 50 and above at any speed. The little-red-wagon-load-of-wrenches-over-cobblestones racket will be gone forever.

You simply DISABLE that Wheelsound in CM: no more said on how to do that.

At every train speed between 1 mph and above, you will only hear the sweet, realistic clickety-clack during game driving.
The clickety-clack will still be synchronized with train speed, having a natural faster tempo as the train speeds up.

It seems to have the same effect on all various rolling stock I have test-driven. Clean clickety-clack sound in game to stay: musical-wrenches/hailstone-on-tin-roof jingle-jangle gone!

There is no need to monkey around with the trainzoptions file, config or trying different track sounds. My little fix did the trick. It seems to have a
global effect in Trainz 2012 or T:ANE.

Earlier, in TS12, I tried this parameter in trainzoptions to no avail:


The same clatter still persisted.
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You should know by now that when you drive locos at about 0-10 mph, you get a nasty gravel sound like gravel hitting the fender wells of a car over freshly-paved roads.
About 10-45, you get that wrenches-tumbling-in-a-clothes-dryer sound.
At speeds approaching 50 and above, you get that nice, clean, soft clickety-clack of train wheels hitting the rail joints in rhythmic fashion.
or. Or. OR you could replace the asset with something else that tickles your fancy more.

edit: For what it's worth, I tried your "fix" in TANE. It completely removed the tracksound altogether, leaving only the shoddy default auran wheel noises that have been heard since day 1. Anyways, I've taken your helpful insight and modified the little-red-wagon-load-of-wrenches-over-cobblestones racket audio for the slow speed rolling sound to be less dominant and modified the other audio files accordingly. This is an asset that was uploaded in 2012 to fill a void and has been on my list of things to overhaul since then, but your encouraging original post has provided what little motivation I needed to expedite said update.
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I have tried that in TANE already last year.... simply DISABLE this following asset in TANE has the same effect:

<kuid2:37581:1221:3> Jointed Rail Generic 4-Axle Wheelsound by therock

You cannot modify and commit this asset in TANE.

Now, TANE is finally freed from the wagon-load-of-wrenches sounds after I had shelved it last August 2015 for this reason.

Still, there is only the sweet realistic clickety-clack sound in sync with train speed.
Still, there is only the sweet realistic clickety-clack sound in sync with train speed.


Sweet???? I hate it!

THAT is actually the ONLY sound I DON'T want to keep because it's NOT realistic at all.

That sound does not follow any wheel of your train.
It's just an irritating unnecessary noise.

The sound files in <kuid2:37581:1221:3> are just fine, so deleting that is out of the question.
All lower case, it is korectly speeled:

I put a sound tag in my favorite track, with wav files, and I get super tracksounds, especially when I place old time boxcars/cattle cars found on SubParProductions and another site (looking it up)

I drive at 20 mph, or less, and get a real thrill out of groaning trucks and railjoint sounts ... no more default Trainz clunk-clunk tish-tish railjointsounds

I will go into it at length later, and make a video of it ... but it is way to early in the mornin', and I needz mor' cawfee !
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I don't mind the track and freight car sounds, however, I wish they could be toned down a bit so they don't sound hot and clipped out when played back.


Is your modified audio going to available as a downloadable replacement on the Jointed Rail site, or on the DLS?

I usually run T:ANE with the audio muted...perhaps because I tire of hearing the ratta-tat-tat machine-gun sound of the audio out of sync whenever T:ANE decided to get bogged down. I don't really care about the audio all that much anyway, considering there is still work to be done in this area far beyond train noises...
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Naah, Trainz without sound?

No way, engine and track sounds makes it all complete.
Especially when using a good 5.1 or 7.1 surround set because that is working great in Tane.

Pump up the volume! (when you're home alone)
Disabling Jointed Rail Generic 4-Axle Wheelsounds altogether, in T:ANE or TS12 gets rid of all the other metallic clatter and just leaves a gentle real-life-like click-clack pattern of wheels rolling over rail joints.

I suppose one could even monkey with the Jointed Rails Generic 4-Axle Wheelsound folder. There are 10 to 11 audio files in there for the various track sounds for various speed levels. One could try swapping out these 'idle' sound files for other stuff. I found out in the end by simply disabling this Wheelsounds asset in CM, all the metallic clatter is eliminated except for the soft, pleasing wheel click-clack pattern as the wheels roll over rail joints in correct tempo/sync with train speed. Kind of like when your car tires hit the expansion plates going over a bridge. Having stood beside freight trains rolling by on real-world tracks I would hear certain clatter that Wheelsounds does not emulate accurately at all. I would hear random metallic hisses, like a cymbal roll, and a rhythmic clatter like a cow bell (possible coupler noise) which were actually pleasing and not muddy as in Wheelsounds. Real-world trains are musical in percussion sounds like a xylophone, cymbal, bell, triangle or drum, not radio-static noisy or disharmonious to the naked ear. Railroad trains never make the sound of loose road gravel hitting wheel wells and car under-bodies like they do driven over fresh asphalt.
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trainzoptions file:
-disablerailjointsound (all speeled lower case) gets rid of all built in "klunk-klunk cush-cush" tracksound

Like I said I put the tracksound kuid right into the track config file ... but with AI, when you have a train on a 10 mph speedboard zone, the loco goes 12mph, then 8 mph, then 5 mph, then 9 mph, then 11 mph, then 8 mph, up and down, speeding up and slowing down all over the place ... which makes the wav files speed up, slow down, over and over again ... however when driving manually in DCC or CAB provides a smooth 10 mph, and smooth tracksounds

track-sound {
default {
track-sound <kuid:xxxxx:xxxxx> <--(place your kuid here in the track config file)
priority 1000
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Real-world trains are musical in percussion sounds like a xylophone, cymbal, bell, triangle or drum, not radio-static noisy or disharmonious to the naked ear. Railroad trains never make the sound of loose road gravel hitting wheel wells and car under-bodies like they do driven over fresh asphalt.
Are you deaf? All the audio used in the wheelsounds was recorded from actual trains. You'd have to be an idiot to think these sounds were synthesized.
Sometimes I think the wheelsounds in TRS2006 were created by a guy down in his basement, hitting a ball peen or soft blow hammer against a tin can held in a vise, or a cowbell ... absolutely totally unrealistic sounds ... and frog sounds, let me shake my Craftsman metal toolbox full of open end wrenchs about
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