Apply Gradient


New member
I've reads the manual. I still cant get the "Apply Gradient" to work. As I click each spline, it goes up for a few sections, then down. most times a previous gradient (2 or 3 sections back) will increase 3 or 4 fold. I'm trying to get a 1.5 percent grade on a 5 mile long hill. but the track ends up with 1.5% bump up and down, never in a constant upward movement, and then this 4+ grade will pop in messing up things further. :'( What Am I Missing! Thanks!
If you are applying a positive (up-hill) gradient, make sure you click on the down-hill end of the section of track. Do not click on the spline point. Surveyor will not know which section to apply the gradient. This can sometimes be tricky on short sections. I have used this tool on miles and miles of track and sometimes I get caught clicking on the wrong end. Hope this solves your problem.
Click closer to the spline point in the direction you want the gradient applied...example....

-------- = track
O = spline point
X = click here


To apply a a gradient of 'x' between the first and second spline points, click on the X. If you clicked closer to the second spline point, the gradient will be applied in the reverse direction.

To apply a continual gradient on track with several spline points, simply continue the process...
