AP - Made in Alpinetrainz :)

Pragotron - Created by eye, the font is not original, I had to use most about the same. The original is licensed and cannot be downloaded anywhere. ;) I will post more information about the project on the my forum.

That is possible, even I have to earn them, you have to be active on the forum, then the account is added relatively quickly. How many do you want to convert because I don't have many. :ROFLMAO:

Well, I should be credited by 100Zs at least after registration, but I still have none, even when registered some time ago.... :-/ Same for other users as I could observe :-/
Well, I should be credited by 100Zs at least after registration, but I still have none, even when registered some time ago.... :-/ Same for other users as I could observe :-/
That's probably because I installed this plugin later, but I'll see if it's possible and I started from scratch.
Hi David. I registered with wikiquik.eu to download the new items, however I am still awaiting activation code to finish registration.
I found a few problems with the site.
Registration on the forum should be resolved, system did not send the authorization key. On the Alpinetrainz website, there was a problem with the page loading speed, I was able to fix that, but it probably won't be faster (depending on how far you are from the server, the EU will be faster than for someone in the USA or Australia), but I will be happy for any feedback ( 5-7s is somehow tolerated here as well.) And I also hopefully simplified the download of models in the "Store" DLC is still in development. Someone complained here that he didn't get 100 credits, unfortunately the system didn't give it out and it's not possible to give it out manually to everyone anyway, but I sent from my 100 credits and I'll consider this matter closed. Thank you for your understanding.
I tried to somehow invest in speed and I hope it worked, so try to look at alpinetrainz.cz and judge for yourself. For those who did not receive the message about the registration on forum.wikiquik.eu, I apologize, but unfortunately gmail is considered a non-serious email and there are many bot addresses, so if you want to register and cannot be verified, write to me here, or directly to the email postmaster@wikiquik.eu and write the username and email, to verify the date of registration.
I have tried repeatedly to register for download access, but the process fails everytime.

1.) The avatar image does not complete properly. After uploading a 100x100 image it shows in the tiny image editor, allows saving, but there is no indication that the file was saved.
After maybe 30-50 seconds the process seems to finish but the circular avatar window is now filled with black.

2.) The captcha does not show, so I cannot complete it.

3.) I am using an older email address formatted like this username@hotmail.com
Maybe hotmail addresses are not accepted either? They are in the format used in the early days of MS Outlook's web based e-mail service.

Note: How in the hell is Gmail not considered a serious email? It is THE most popular email service in the world ?!! LMAO.
Nearly all Chrome/Google and other major online services use Gmail. This is just beyond stupid, LOL.

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I hear you. I was rejected by a site because of Gmail and I had to appeal. They think too many people create phony Gmail accounts to use for sites that might generate spam and fishing emails, although there are a lot of legit users, and I had to prove I am one
I hear you. I was rejected by a site because of Gmail and I had to appeal. They think too many people create phony Gmail accounts to use for sites that might generate spam and fishing emails, although there are a lot of legit users, and I had to prove I am one
Note: How in the hell is Gmail not considered a serious email? It is THE most popular email service in the world ?!! LMAO.
Nearly all Chrome/Google and other major online services use Gmail. This is just beyond stupid, LOL.
I don't condemn anyone for having gmail, I personally don't have it, but I know from experience that there are quite a lot of problems. Hopefully it will work, I'll keep trying to debug the sites, but I don't have that much time. And charges much faster with security. But if someone has a problem with registration, it's no problem to write me here and I can do everything manually. But I did some test today and it should work within 24 hours of email registration. What annoys me more is that the game comes with a monthly payment and the update is once a year, and it still doesn't solve what the players want, for example, dynamic weather and more realistic game graphics. :unsure:
After a very long and difficult process of setting up sending confirmation emails, which mainly had a problem with gmail communication, which requires stricter authorization data protection, I have finally solved this problem for now on forum.wikiquik.eu :unsure: If anyone doesn't receive a confirmation email (Gmail) within a reasonable time, please let me know here. 🙏