I am getting ready to film a movie in trainz 12 but before I do, are there any specific rules or historic events I should apply to make it seem realistic? It takes place on the Wabash Railroad in the 1920's-1960's, A fictional shortline in Kentucky in the 1960's to 2015.
When I say rules I mean like "A tanker should never be put directly behind a locomotive" or something like that. If there was more than 1 track would it matter what line I put a specific consist on? Did the Wabash railroad have a specific locomotive or consist classification? Or was a set of general rules. The only one I know is "White flags mean this is a special train" Or something. Can enyone help?
When I say rules I mean like "A tanker should never be put directly behind a locomotive" or something like that. If there was more than 1 track would it matter what line I put a specific consist on? Did the Wabash railroad have a specific locomotive or consist classification? Or was a set of general rules. The only one I know is "White flags mean this is a special train" Or something. Can enyone help?