antone know where fishlipsatwork is?


TS2010EE SP3; Build 49933
guys do any of you know for fishlipsatwork at works email or anything? i need to ask him somethin.:)
no idea where to put this.
Retired from Trainz

fishlipsatwork has totally retired from Trainz. He said goodbye before the crash. You can try the address below but it may no longer be good. It's the only one I have.
Fishlips site...

Did anyone download fishlips terrains from his site before he dump the contents? I was looking for one in perticular and went to the site after a year or so to find it empty. :'( :(


B.S. Sorry to hear that Paul retired from Trainz.

Bill - Marysville, Washington
Yes, Fisboy left his marks...

8) Paul Haglund left 198 items for TRS2004 on the Download Station, under the kuid of 59012.

You can find the HOG(Hand of God) textures on his website
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Hey All

fishlips posted all of his work on the DLS. I suggest trying there.



It was my understanding that files over a certain size couldn't go on the DLS. One of those files is the one I'm after.

Thanks for the quick response...
