Another Raildriver Question


New member
Hi once again,

I am really having a good tome with Trainz and am even now considering getting the raildriver controller. :o But I read somewhere that if you do not have Trainz installed on your C drive that Raildriver will not work. :cool: Anyone know or hear anything about this?

Thanks again,
No it is not. It is actually installed on an external hard drive. Is it true that this would be a problem with raildriver? :confused: I certainly hope not, the creators are not that short sighted, are they? :hehe:

Oh, I've never heard of programs being intalled on an external hard drive. I've only heard of people using them for files and documents, but I suppose it make sense that a person would do that. I don't see why it would be a problem. I would wait and see if anyone that has the raildriver had trouble with an external, though.
Hi once again,

I am really having a good tome with Trainz and am even now considering getting the raildriver controller. :o But I read somewhere that if you do not have Trainz installed on your C drive that Raildriver will not work. :cool: Anyone know or hear anything about this?

Thanks again,
Hi LouP
I have Raildriver installed on C, T4 on D and T6 on E and have no problems with either.


...not supported...

8) Puff, I'm glad to hear you are running RD on an alternate drive,

However the instructions say drive C:/(-or is that\).

I can't remember what the installer options gave...
@ backyard

I have had RD installed on C drive since since I got it 3 years ago and successfully ran T4 on D drive eventually running T6 on E drive when I purchased it and have had no problems at all (touch wood :hehe:)


I have had my RailDriver installed on several different drives, and never had a problem.

By the way, once you play Trainz with a RailDriver... you'll NEVER go back!

As long as we're on the subject of RailDriver, I had to get a new computer, and of course, it has Vista on it. RailDriver installed, initialized, but doesn't control the trians. Is this yet another Vista screw up?
:( Dano

8) Thanks folks for the update on alternative drive installations.

I had obtained a 40GB hard drive for Mom's computer, and wished to dedicate it to TRS, thinking that I would buy her computer. Then this issue came up.

She helped me buy this computer, and I have repaid her, gosh, she could not let go of that 17" CRT!

I re-thought out my use of the primary hard drive, letter C, and decided that the default install for these programs is the best idea for me....but do it as you wish!