Another clown uploading hundreds of cryptic content in one hit...


New member
Can anyone tell an uneducated person like me why a so called "content creator" needs to upload hundreds of cryptic described in the name of items at the same time to the DLS and only supplying a generic screenshot for all/any of these uploads and no descriptions whatsoever.

What gives and why is a person allowed to do this? I thought there are certain rules and standards needed for uploads to the DLS but some people have a blatant disregard for doing so. Just imagine if everyone suddenly does uploads similar.


Check current uploads for TS12 by a "Wedge_Antillies" and you will see. Please DO NOT say I don't have to d/load these if I don't like these as this is NOT the point of my post.

They look to be part of a legitimate Russian catenary system, albeit a very intricate one. Don't be fooled by their small size - most assets reference a mesh library, so they appear to be small and perhaps repetitious. Even a couple of the "Empty Assets" appear to be something - single insulators, from what I can see, though the name suggests that you're right and they could be a CoC violation.

I'd recommend either contacting the user or Helpdesk. Helpdesk has removed bona fide spam before, though only the "Empty Assets" are likely to possibly constitute a violation, and only then, because of the name. At any rate, thanks for keeping your eyes open; it's good that people are paying attention.
A tiered system would benefit N3V and kill two birds with one stone.

Say for example, a content creator is allowed 100 uploads a month or some reasonable limit. After that, all uploads are charged similar to file host sites. Say, $1 per upload. Let's be realistic, just like file hosting sites need money for storage and bandwidth, so does the DLS. Some people are treating it like a cubby hole, free hosting or even personal cloud backups. This needs to stop.
A tiered system would benefit N3V and kill two birds with one stone.

Say for example, a content creator is allowed 100 uploads a month or some reasonable limit. After that, all uploads are charged similar to file host sites. Say, $1 per upload. Let's be realistic, just like file hosting sites need money for storage and bandwidth, so does the DLS. Some people are treating it like a cubby hole, free hosting or even personal cloud backups. This needs to stop.

Content creation is good for N3V and this would kill it!
Losing the ability to upload 1,000 30 kb items in a day would kill content creation? And how many people are going to download a kuid with no description named "reserved," anyway?
I'm With Ken.....

And as far as Wedge Antilles is concerned, I'll vouch for his stuff. His Catenary systems (Hes done about 4 or 5 entire systems) are exceedingly high quality and entirely complete. Each system is well over 1500 Pieces...... His most recent system, AC4, just got updated (I know, I had to download all 2500 updates). Each system usually includes extraneous Electrical bits such as power lines and transformers and such.... This said, there is a system to his naming nomenclature, and if you're not into Electrical Operations, you're not going to understand it. Further, for him to go back and start doing photos, which he actually started to do at one point but stopped, would be ridiculous because so many of the assets are similar to each other, but are meant for minor differences in terrain or track work or operational use..... If you want to understand this I highly recommend downloading one of his systems and having a look or doing some research into all the numerous (Ad nauseum) differences in Catenary applications for rail use.

They're very in depth and complicated systems, and certainly not for everyone. And I certainly wouldn't defend very many authors that have operated the way Wedge Antilles has. That said, if you don't like how hes done things, don't download his stuff.....

I doubt that N3V checks "ANY" uploaded content, by hand ... It probably is all automated, and whatever pass's the test, gets on the DLS. You can upload "POO" (and that asset has been done, and is on the DLS)
there isnt a one size fits all solution for this. large mesh library based systems such as catenary require uploading a huge set or number of assets at a time to complete.
The idea of charging for uploads is one of the worst ideas ever floated on these forums. Perhaps the only one that's even worse is 'banning the internet'. (Yes, someone actually proposed that here.) People already find enough reasons not to upload to the DLS.

I know, in this day and age, people are so lazy that they don't even want to think for themselves let alone do anything even remotely more demanding, but this is one of those things that people really should just be vigilant for and (drum roll, please!) use their judgment before downloading or escalating to Helpdesk. That probably makes me a heretic but oh, well.
use their judgment before downloading or escalating to Helpdesk. That probably makes me a heretic but oh, well.

I guess what some of us are trying to say is that it would be a lot easier to "use our judgment" if we had a little more information about some of these items to base our judgment on.
You're certainly right as far the "Empty Asset" items go, but the thumbnails in his assets clearly state that they are catenaries. Some libraries have an English-language description, to boot. Ideally, they all would, and they'd have an actual thumbnail of the item, but what he has provided is adequate, if not ideal.
A tiered system would benefit N3V and kill two birds with one stone.

Say for example, a content creator is allowed 100 uploads a month or some reasonable limit. After that, all uploads are charged similar to file host sites. Say, $1 per upload. Let's be realistic, just like file hosting sites need money for storage and bandwidth, so does the DLS. Some people are treating it like a cubby hole, free hosting or even personal cloud backups. This needs to stop.

They ought to PAY ME $1 for every asset I upload! That would certainly add a lot more content creators to the roster!! LOL!
Oh I want a dollar for every download that would get me adding lots more content.

When I get back from my round the world cruise that is.
I could guarantee if it were a 1000 US Asset's uploaded per day there'd be no whinging at all.
Please DO NOT say I don't have to d/load these if I don't like these as this is NOT the point of my post.
What is the point of your post then ?.