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I feeling wanna that I'll have to unistalled TRS2006 because they are won't work because Best Buy was mess up in my computer so it well so I waiting till buy new TC or 2009 not sure so still let me thinking that which I wanna buy them.....

Thank you for read on our information thread......:p
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He is kinda hard to understand today. But its basiclly saying that he is going to uninstall TRS2006,and wait for TC or TRS2009,because of the best buy guy screwed trainz up....
He is kinda hard to understand today. But its basiclly saying that he is going to uninstall TRS2006,and wait for TC or TRS2009,because of the best buy guy screwed trainz up....

Yeah because I am deaf person so I very admit to everyone that real I am deaf person:wave:....

Hey Gandalf0444,

I still wanna knowing that what do you thinking which better I can buy new TC or TRS2009? Because depend who peoples have TRS2006 with them but if I buy new TC then I make building route then release it but another peoples can't have download because they can't connect between TC and TRS2006:( so guess let me still thinking right now:cool:
Well. It depends on what you're looking to get out of the game. Eg I want TC3 because all of the built-in content has got animated coupings but that might not be the case for you.
TC or 09?

I'm leaning toward 09 provided the simplified content creation and customization comes through as advertised. But I get a sense you are thinking of stopping work until it comes out.

IMHO that would be a mistake. It reminds me of what my Dad told me. He said you should do what you can with what you have and not wait for the next great thing. There is an endless parade of next great things about to come out. You may end up waiting for the rest of your life. If 09 is fully backward compatible, as is apparently planned, there will be no problem. If it is not, then I suspect there will be plenty of people who will leave 06 and 04 on there machines so they can continue to enjoy all the great stuff that is out there, including yours. But they won't be able to enjoy it if you don't build it.

well for my two cents worth if iether one has Iportal im not going to change till auran gets the sever working right
Hello Dnutter,

Sorry to hear about the problem with the computer tech! Makes me wonder how some people get those jobs in the first place.

Just wanted to mention that if you are thinking of going the TC route (which is what I did), you will also need to be able to import content from 2006 since TC has a limited amount of built-in content. I have not received my copy of TC3 yet so I am not commenting on that specific version but when the TC plan was originated, it was stated that each release would only contain the required content for that specific route. If you plan to download, say, a locomotive designed for 2006 into TC and it requires the built-in engine configuration, sounds, cab or any other built-in, you will need 06.

I actually think it is a good thing since I create almost all my own content and download what I can not create or in most cases is superior to anything I could hope to produce. It also keeps the database small and rebuilding it takes a very short period of time compared to 06.

With the built-in items in mind, anything you create now in 2006 can be moved over to TC. When the DHR was released, I downloaded and installed it directly into TC. I did have to move a small number of items from 06 and correct a few config.txt errors but the route runs fantastic in TC compared to 06 or even 04!

So, I hope you re-install your 2006 and continue to create content until you feel you are ready to make the move to TC or 2009 when they are available.

Have Fun!:)

Hello Dnutter,

Sorry to hear about the problem with the computer tech! Makes me wonder how some people get those jobs in the first place.

Just wanted to mention that if you are thinking of going the TC route (which is what I did), you will also need to be able to import content from 2006 since TC has a limited amount of built-in content. I have not received my copy of TC3 yet so I am not commenting on that specific version but when the TC plan was originated, it was stated that each release would only contain the required content for that specific route. If you plan to download, say, a locomotive designed for 2006 into TC and it requires the built-in engine configuration, sounds, cab or any other built-in, you will need 06.

I actually think it is a good thing since I create almost all my own content and download what I can not create or in most cases is superior to anything I could hope to produce. It also keeps the database small and rebuilding it takes a very short period of time compared to 06.

With the built-in items in mind, anything you create now in 2006 can be moved over to TC. When the DHR was released, I downloaded and installed it directly into TC. I did have to move a small number of items from 06 and correct a few config.txt errors but the route runs fantastic in TC compared to 06 or even 04!

So, I hope you re-install your 2006 and continue to create content until you feel you are ready to make the move to TC or 2009 when they are available.

Have Fun!:)


Oh no, but I was did already removed TRS2006 from in my computer BUT I'll was re-download TRS2006 for 2 times for just a test if it work or won't work that's all BUT I was download TRS2006 in my computer but they are won't work then take re-installed then take AGAIN download but still won't work because there TRS2006's information say "you already have a registry" and problem with TRS2006 because they was freeze when I begin play on the TRS2006 BUT they was very slowly and then stop freeze won't work:confused: make me confused so I was decide gonna removed TRS2006 from my computer:( so guess I waiting until get from my money:eek::o. That's not my fault that Best Buy's fault they was SCREW UP IN MY COMPUTER that why causes to my TRS2006 WON"T WORK anymore and CMP too!:(:'(
From what you've said, it sounds to me like you haven't uninstalled TRS06 properly. I've never had an issue like that, so I'm afraid I can't tell you how to fix it, but perhaps someone else can.

Also, if Best Buy did "screw up" your computer, there's no real way to know for sure that TC or any other version of Trainz will actually work any better. After all, it's the computer itself that is screwed up, not Trainz. I'd suggest trying to solve the problem with what you have now rather than buying something else and hoping it works.

Good luck either way. Computer problems like this can be frustrating!

He is kinda hard to understand today. But its basiclly saying that he is going to uninstall TRS2006,and wait for TC or TRS2009,because of the best buy guy screwed trainz up....

How did he screw it up? Did he get the disc out, make a bunch of scratches and then put it back? :o