Animas Canyon Bridge

Yes - its on the DLS - probably as a TRS2004 item but should very easily convert to newer versions up to and including TS2012/SP1/HF4. Change the version number of course and delete or change to the new format the category-region and category-era lines is all that should be required.

I went looking but can't offhand remember what I called it (my list of items isn't small, lol). Been a few years since I made it. Its there somewhere.

EDIT (a few minutes later): Found it. kuid2:210518:1463:1 (and I've even been over it, lol).

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Your welcome.

When I rode the D&S they slowed down to 2 or 3 MPH to go over that bridge. Granted its in the middle of a reverse S curve but its a fairly modern span so I would imagine the speed restriction is more for folks taking photos then anything else. Slow down a bit perhaps but not that much. The train never went faster then 18 MPH anywhere according to the conductor. Great train ride in any case.

I haven't made the bridge just out of Durango but I did make 2 versions of the steel viaduct on the C&T.
