American Intermodal: Released

I seem to be having difficulty configuring the Intermodal Ramp industry track. There isn't any menu display that shows the product queues. This is what I have added:

size 1

0 <kuid2:334896:120007:2>
1 <kuid2:334896:120027:2>
2 <kuid2:334896:120008:1>
3 <kuid2:334896:120009:1>



Hi John!

Hang tight on modifying the crane, it's already set up for more than standard 40' containers. It's the chassis we need more of, and we have planned for this. We are going to be updating the cranes as well as what they can pick up, etc. Got a few things to get out there first like some proper documentation (which I am working on now) so that you guys know what can and can't be done yet.


Hi there 22Alpha

I did a Extendered database repair and now all is well
Thank you for this new toy I am going to have lots of fun with this
As always I am hopeing that there well be a Expansion pack to go with this route
Hint Hint Hint

Chris Sullivan
I seem to be having difficulty configuring the Intermodal Ramp industry track. There isn't any menu display that shows the product queues. This is what I have added:

The industry track does not require queues. the transfer of products is determined by 3 things

1. the type of product the traincar can carry
2. the type of products the crane can lift
3. the type of products the truck chassis or other transfer target can carry
You guys are awesome! This route and content are great. Well worth the money and the wait. Set it up in one of the routes that I have edited, It works and looks great!
Your content never disappoints. Keep up the great work.

Chaz K.
can anybody help me i cant get the crane to work. i drive a loaded train to the hub it says i will began in one minute. then it says crane has started ld/unld for adiar. then one second later it says crane has finished ld/unld for adiar. train is still loaded and trucks keep piling up on the load ramp
can anybody help me i cant get the crane to work. i drive a loaded train to the hub it says i will began in one minute. then it says crane has started ld/unld for adiar. then one second later it says crane has finished ld/unld for adiar. train is still loaded and trucks keep piling up on the load ramp

Is the load correct? The trailers will only load:

40ft High Cubed Containers (Empty),<kuid2:334896:120002:2>
40ft High Cubed Containers (Loaded),<kuid2:334896:120007:2>
40ft Standard Cubed Containers (Empty),<kuid2:334896:120032:2>
Is the load correct? The trailers will only load:

40ft High Cubed Containers (Empty),<kuid2:334896:120002:2>
40ft High Cubed Containers (Loaded),<kuid2:334896:120007:2>
40ft Standard Cubed Containers (Empty),<kuid2:334896:120032:2>

As of this moment yes, physically it can only load 40 ft containers at this moment only due to the chassis as we have no other chassis sizes yet. Functionality is there already to load all sizes. Plans are for updates to this with the ability to load all sizes
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in a technical sense no, functionality is there for it to lift 40,45,48, and 53 ft containers as well as full trailers or containers + chassis from the train. the limited functionality is because there is only a 40 ft chassis to unload to. future additions will allow the other loads to activate.
Just a quick "Thank you"! Downloaded and installed without problems. Looking forward to the documentation as well as updates and additions. Great work guys...I am one satisfied customer!
Just wanted to say, "Amazing route!". Don't know how to operate it yet but that will happen when the procedures manual comes out. I can wait.
However, a lot of my JR railcars are now showing missing dependencies. It is the track-sound asset for the S-2 Barber bogies, <kuid2:45324:50204:5>.
Where can I find this, please . I have not been able to find it on the DLS.
Thank you.
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Just wanted to say, "Amazing route!". Don't know how to operate it yet but that will happen when the procedures manual comes out. I can wait.
However, a lot of my JR railcars are now showing missing dependencies. It is the track-sound asset for the S-2 Barber bogies, <kuid2:45324:50204:5>.
Where can I find this, please . I have not been able to find it on the DLS.
Thank you.

I recommend redownloading and be sure to overwrite all items. That kuid should be in the CDP, so try that. If for some strange reason that dose not solve the problem, easiest solution i could suggest is downloading anyone of our railcars from the site as that will have what your looking for packed in the CDP file.

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Thank you all for making this route, very good detail in it, now I keep seeing that there will be future updates, will they be free or the going to be pay where, thanks :wave:
Does the content contained in the payware content pack work in TRS 2010? I would like to buy it, but I'm not sure.

Thanks! :)
I see that many of the locos and rolling stock for this route are labelled Cold Creek and Western.

Is this module designed to be merged with the Cold Creek Logistics module will minimal fuss?
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There are several bits within it that are TS12 specific items so as a whole no it is not designed for 2010. Some will work just fine however, others will not. With that said both the route and the content pack were specifically designed for TS12 SP1 and above.
I see that many of the locos and rolling stock for this route are labelled Cold Creek and Western.

Is this module designed to be merged with the Cold Creek Logistics module will minimal fuss?

Yes, you should be able to join them but adding a small piece of track at the join point. We hope to release a couple of these that can all be merged together to have a cool module route you can sort of setup any way you want.
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