AL's CLP's do not work


New member
I have downloaded some of Vinny Barb's CLP's and AL's, but for some reason they do not work in either TRS 2006, or the very new TRS 12... I would have thought they would surely work fine in the new TRS 12, but no!... Have I missed anything that I should haee... I have checked and double cheked to make sure I have all the dependencies, made perfectly sure I have double checked, but still... they do not come up...
Please Help Vinny Barb. I like what you have created. and want to be able to run more of what you would see coming in through Adelaide, Dry Creek, Keswick and Mile End etc....

Any chance of some Coote and CFCLA, Even some SCT gear?...
Are there any NR's being Re Done for TRS 12 David O?....

PS I mean AN's...the slant fronted EL shaped loco's.... I made a mistake in the heading...
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Hi bushymo,

Seems odd that the AN class shows errors in T12 as I have them installed error free - see below:
Uploaded with

I have just downloaded the CLP's and they also appear error free



If you use the old AN's in TRS 2006 they work fine, but seeing that Vinnybarb has updated them, I thought I should download them and the superb new CLP's with the intention of using them in TRS 12, No Go....They just do not seem to happen... maybe there is a dependency for them that is not listed in the dependency list on the download page for those items that you have to go elsewhere in the DLS to get, as is the case with some of the content, but I did make sure that I got all the dependencies on the download page for these two classes of locomotive, and was fairly sure this time that when I went to use them in the new TRS 12... Nup!...No success!... I am left shaking my head:confused:
If you download the following AN's & CLP's they all work error free in TS12:
I have downloaded some of those from this list above but somehow I am not getting them to work... The old ones do work in 2006, but since purchasing TS 12, I decided that it was wise to download the latest versions from your list above, BUT! they do not seem to work... I don't know why... but I have run into compatibilty problems with them... I thought that TS 12 had the compatibility mode option like TRS 09 and 12, but nowhere in this one do I see that...

I have just about had to concede that I will not be able to use them....or any of the other recent downloads that I have purposely taken from the DLS feeling confident that I will be able to run them when I do get a copy or TRS 12, which I do have now.... but... I am left shaking my head...

I also downloaded the patch for TS12, which I was sure would iron out any compatibility problems, errors or bugs, but no...

It seems to me that I must have a situation where if I go to import all of my new CDP's from the DLS that I have on a USB stick... I not only find that I cannot use them, but I also have half of the inbuilt items turn red in CPM too...

Somewhere, somehow, I think that I might have just one item somewhere that I have downloaded that causes this to happen...

I know this is a problem for helpbesk, but when I type in my username that I use to access the auran site, it does not work for the helpdesk...??? I just get told that my username and password are invalid..dunno...Zec...Help!...

Normally as you say, I should be able to run almost everything I download, but it is not happening...dunno.???:confused:
PS I mean AN's...the slant fronted EL shaped loco's.... I made a mistake in the heading...
Ooooh, I wish we can edit headings if we made a mistake.

But might have been better to put that in bold at the top of the post. Error free in TRS2010 - for once! (Could someone please put that in the history &/or it's a miracle pages please :hehe: . And for once, shows up white, not red.)
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I've got the new AN's working... except the Ghan one but I have just downloaded the bogies for that one, and hope that one will now work when I get home

As for the CLP's I've left them for a while and will deal with them again later...Can you tell me what the differences is between a CLP and a CLF, when you see them in real... I have seen that some of these bevelled top nose locomotives of the GM type have been reclassed as CLF's