AJS Junctions


New member
I have dl'd all Andi06 AJS Junction objects from CMP. I placed junctions in Surveyor and wired them accordining to Andi06 tute. But when the invisible track (wires) is all connected to the nodes, the turnout lever doesn't show up. Why?
I am running TRS06, w/SP1.
These junctions worked fine in TRS04, and looked great.
I want them for 06 layout. Anyone!
I use Andi06 junctions on all my 2006 layouts and have no problems. Are you actually inserting a turnout lever after connecting the invisible track? I always do it manually – never auto place levers.

When I used these junctions in 04 I replaced the default juncion levers with CN ones. No problems. However, the default junction levers should show up when the invisible track is 'wired' and this isn't happening! No junction lever, no red/green junction arrows!
This sounds like a 'wireing error. I am placing simple L/R junctions using the green wire, which has 3 segments (Andi06 tute shows only 2 segments.) The invisible track runs from the blue node to both green nodes. Lever and junction arrows should show up after connections are complete.
I'll go back and try again,
Ok, they work now!
As you commented above, the lever had to be placed manually.
In TRS04 they showed up when the invisible track was connected.
That's allright, I changed them to CN type anyway.
I'm happy to hear they work well in TRS06. Andi06 did a fine job on these junctions. Not only are they more prototypical in appearance, they make laying yard trackwork and junctions quite a bit easier.
Thanks for the pointer.

In TRS04, AJS junctions could be changed to match existing track and ballast. I am using 1track US type, a standaed Auran track. I selected the object edit menu in surveyor, but find no way to to to change AJS junctions to this track/ballast type. Anyone out there find a way to match existing track in TRS06?
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Hi again!

When I right click on an AJS turnout to enter object properties, I am presented with a list of track/ballasts that the turnout can be changed to. The list is as follows: -

JK default
MB Finescale
JK timber
JK concrete
VMD Dark brown/Dark grey
Perchpole default/grey/red
JK concrete DP
VEB Brown wood/brown concrete/Grey wood/grey concrete
JK overgrown
MP concrete/concrete rusty/wood/wood rusty

19 in all.

I think you have to choose one of this range of tracks. The tracks are downloadable. Somewhere, I can remember that Andi06 gave details on how to add a ballast type from other tracks, but I think it was quite a procedure and I have forgotten where it was!! Never tried it myself. May be you could contact him about this issue.

Hope this helps.

Reading through some older posts, I've garnered a bit of info on Andi06 upgrade of AJS junctions for TRS06. He says the upgrade contains all track options contained in the original. He also warns against opening the files in CCP for edit. I'm not much of a content creator, so I'm passing on modifying his files.
Since my new route is in its early stages I simply changed all the track to JK Default to match the junctions; an easy(er) solution to a simple problem. I'm not displeased with the result.
Perhaps, someday, we can convince Andi06 to expand the track options available in the files.
I have placed a half dozen AJS Junctions in my route and they all work well in Driver.
Thank you again, Yorkshire, for your timely reply.
