ai problems


New member
Hi all I have a problem with a layout i am creating.

bellow is the station layout it is prototypical so is prity mush set in stone. my problem is that I send a train to the station on pl2 then run the engine round I then tell it to move to pl1 (as the trians did on weekend days) the trouble is that what ever i try the driver tries to go via the head shunt at the end of pl2 instead of going in the oposite direction which it should do.

----------pl1---------------TM>-------------------- ----- <tm
____PL2____________TM>__________________ /

the train enters from the right (<TM)

I am using trs2006 sp1.

I have tried adding the comand rest traiz direction after the run round command I have also tried puting in direction priority markers. I can get the driver to the tm> on pl2 but then he just stops and the changes direction

if any one has any idears pleas help its driving me nuts(sound of kester opening nuts with teath ((dont try this at home kids))


Hi kester,
First place a trackmark where you want the driver to drive to after the runaround, say tracmark X. Then try the following commands:-
1. drive to stationxx platform 1.
2. terminate passenger train.
3. wait 5 seconds.
4. run around train.
5 stop train.
6. drive to trackmark X
7. wait 5 seconds.
8. drive to stationxx platform 2.
9. load
10. next drive commands

Hope this helps,