Adjusting object height


V-Gauge pioneer
Hello, trackers.

Is there a way to manually set the height for an object? Like what can be done with vertices in splines, or in the terrain mapper? I'm trying to place some objects near a track, but I need them at a very specific height. The mouse arrow isn't sensitive enough for what I need; I need to adjust height by at little as 0.03 in some places. So can I use the keyboard to set an object height value? Or can I make the mouse wheel more sensitive when using the standard height adjustment tool?

Thanks in advance,


Us the shift and the ctrl keys as you adjust the height. There is no type to set an exact height. :(

What I do is set one asset at the height I want and jot down the values - one value is the height off the ground and the other is the offset difference, I think. At any rate, I jot those down or remember them and then set all my other assets to the same height.

It would be nice if there was a way to set values such as height and direction once for tasks like this.

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**** key? Surely that should be the Shift key.

All fixed... I had a sticky keyboard which has been replaced. My cat was sleeping on it this morning and a few of my keys aren't working as well anymore as they have in the past. It's a good thing I have a few spares. :)

Confirmed. Holding the shift or control key while using the mouse-drive height tool will grant accuracy down to 0.05 units. Holding shift will give you the absolute height of the object, while control will give you relative height. That's assuming you haven't re-mapped the control keys.

Thanks gang!
A big thanks from me, also! Dang, I wish I had known about this when I started. This is going to be a great help for me with many height problems I have run into. I've had to settle for a little too low or high with many items. Lots of work to do! Tried it on a '56 chevy on a road. She's sitting pretty now!


Hee, hee, just found how to "roll" items by mistake, while adjusting heights.
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In a config file you can add height tags, rotation tags, and even change a bale of hay into a drivable asset, a commodity into a static asset, or a trackside asset into a static asset, or versa' vicsa'