Adios, Compadres

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Afternoon everyone,

I've been gone for quite some time, although I have checked in occasionally to see what JR and a few of my other favorite creators are up to. I must say, seeing some of the stuff that's happened here recently, it doesn't really make me want to come back to the community on a regular basis, if at all.

I was hoping to invest some money into a much nicer desktop to run Trainz 12 and TANE off of and actually use USR as I intended, but with so many people that I have admired and looked to for inspiration leaving, I think it's time that I do the same, unfortunately without leaving anything behind for the people who haven't caused these issues to use and enjoy.

A lot of people need to learn the rules of the board and how to conduct themselves appropriately. I will be the first to admit I wasn't a perfect person. I got ahead of myself, I assumed, and I was a child. Now, nearly 5 years later, I have matured. I've gotten a good taste of reality as to how much time, effort, and, in many cases, money, is invested in content creation, and I even have made some significant progress on a route. Although many creators are leaving, I hope that some of the good ones will step up and create great things of their own and continue building the legacy that Trainz used to have.

As with a few creators, I'll still be Trainzing, but I won't be here. A lot of people have a lot of learning and growing up to do before I consider returning.

For those of you who are staying, I wish you the best.

Take care,

"........... you can check out any time you like .................. but you can never leave ........... " The Eagles 1976
Sorry to hear that your leaving its always sad to see another member leaving but I understand your reason why. I wish you good luck and if you ever do come back I will surely look forward to it.
Been here 5 the month. Forum here for at least 15.
Says he's been gone for quite a while.....makes me wonder why people who have been gone for a long time, feel the need to come back to announce they are going away.
Goodbye threads should be against the CoC. They're just an excuse to have a rant and a whinge.
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