Hi Trainz/Auran Support & Specialists
A friend has asked me to spec/build him a very top-flight PC for T:ANE use. He is an experienced Trainz user (I am not), and now wants to get the ABSOULTE MAX BEST experience. He wants to turn all settings for detail, distance, shadow, etc. etc. set up to maximum in T:ANE, AND to drive 'ECML' and Hi-speed trains at their 125-200mph ... AND to get ALWAYS picture perfect performance of >=50+fps on a full HD screen (but not 4k). He will buy whatever it takes.
So .... can anyone there please let me know:
a) What is the absolute maximum amount of RAM memory in a PC (Windows10) that T:ANE can ever actually uses i.e. to buy/fit more would be 100% redundant and just a waste of money?
i.e. should I buy/fit 16Gb, 32Gb, 64Gb, or more ? (assume its gonna be highest-speed/spec DDR4 with an Intel i7 CPU)
b) Is it worth for fitting MORE than ONE single top-spec graphics card i.e. 2 or 3 cards in SLi for T:ANE use? or is it always redundant and a waste of money to use dual/SLi cards with T:ANE?
i.e. assume I am buying/fitting an Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 Ti with its 6GB of ram: would T:ANE ever make use of a dual-card platform? would such dal 980 Tis in SLI improve performance?
c) Under T:ANE, what is the relationship at T:ANE run-time, if any, between the memory size/use in the graphics card and the memory size/use in the PC?
e.g. can I get same top performance of T:ANE with less PC ram by having more GPU ram? Or, will T:ANE use both PC RAM and GPU RAM up to the maximums above [(a) & (b)]
d) For absolute top T:ANE performance, is it better to have:
1. a single SSD, containing OS (Windows10) and Trainz application s/w and Trainz data/libraries ?
2. two SSDs, one for Windows OS and the other for all or Trainz (application & data) ?
3. three SSD, one for Windows OS, one for Trainz application and one for Trainz data ?
i.e. In short, does absolute highest performance of Trainz depend at all on disk (SSD or HD) speed?
For T:ANE abs top performance always, does a PC need to have ALL of Trainz application & ALL of data in highest-speed devices i.e. on SSD(s) rather than on HD?
And is there any relationship in T:ANE that affect performance between the size of SSD/HD disk and size of main RAM and size of GPU RAM?
Please let me have back you most technical and objective info & advice if you have really pushed Trainz performance to the absolute high level to which my friend would like to go too. Thanks!
A friend has asked me to spec/build him a very top-flight PC for T:ANE use. He is an experienced Trainz user (I am not), and now wants to get the ABSOULTE MAX BEST experience. He wants to turn all settings for detail, distance, shadow, etc. etc. set up to maximum in T:ANE, AND to drive 'ECML' and Hi-speed trains at their 125-200mph ... AND to get ALWAYS picture perfect performance of >=50+fps on a full HD screen (but not 4k). He will buy whatever it takes.
So .... can anyone there please let me know:
a) What is the absolute maximum amount of RAM memory in a PC (Windows10) that T:ANE can ever actually uses i.e. to buy/fit more would be 100% redundant and just a waste of money?
i.e. should I buy/fit 16Gb, 32Gb, 64Gb, or more ? (assume its gonna be highest-speed/spec DDR4 with an Intel i7 CPU)
b) Is it worth for fitting MORE than ONE single top-spec graphics card i.e. 2 or 3 cards in SLi for T:ANE use? or is it always redundant and a waste of money to use dual/SLi cards with T:ANE?
i.e. assume I am buying/fitting an Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 Ti with its 6GB of ram: would T:ANE ever make use of a dual-card platform? would such dal 980 Tis in SLI improve performance?
c) Under T:ANE, what is the relationship at T:ANE run-time, if any, between the memory size/use in the graphics card and the memory size/use in the PC?
e.g. can I get same top performance of T:ANE with less PC ram by having more GPU ram? Or, will T:ANE use both PC RAM and GPU RAM up to the maximums above [(a) & (b)]
d) For absolute top T:ANE performance, is it better to have:
1. a single SSD, containing OS (Windows10) and Trainz application s/w and Trainz data/libraries ?
2. two SSDs, one for Windows OS and the other for all or Trainz (application & data) ?
3. three SSD, one for Windows OS, one for Trainz application and one for Trainz data ?
i.e. In short, does absolute highest performance of Trainz depend at all on disk (SSD or HD) speed?
For T:ANE abs top performance always, does a PC need to have ALL of Trainz application & ALL of data in highest-speed devices i.e. on SSD(s) rather than on HD?
And is there any relationship in T:ANE that affect performance between the size of SSD/HD disk and size of main RAM and size of GPU RAM?
Please let me have back you most technical and objective info & advice if you have really pushed Trainz performance to the absolute high level to which my friend would like to go too. Thanks!