A Trick Question or how keen is Your EYE


Oct 01 Ver 1.1 owner
And now for something completly different!!!! ...Which shot is trainz???
A...B...or C???......HMMMNnnnnnnn :p
I'm gunna bomb your layout

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B - the cloud gives A away, and the ground gives C away.

Loads of detail though - I couldn't tell on the planes alone.
I would have to say B

A looks like Flight Sim

and C is obviously from B17 of the Mighty 8th (then nose art is called Maximum Effort)
Aha! is it a war you want to start eh...? Ho Ho Ho!
i can combat you on that one dreddy,my army, of over 250 railway guns is ready at zeh frontal location. Drop bombs as you wish, but be careful, IM GONNA GET YOU...
:D :hehe: :D
lets see

A looks like its from IL2 of one of the many addons for it

B is from Trainz

C is from B-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8th (good game, i still play it)