Hi everybody.
Here in Bristol UK we have a what is known as a "HST Maintanence Centre". The centre maintains the class 43 sets (better known as the Hst 125 sets) that run between Bristol and London Paddington. I had to visit the centre a few weeks ago as part of my work and I was more than impressed with standard of maintanence and safety applied to the power units and coaches and throughout the whole service depot.
Well, in a sense... Since most of us don't waste time reading who created the thread before we get into them, we kind of are forced to read them only to realize they're pointless threads. And since he insists on making a new thread for every little thing, whether it makes sense/serves a purpose or NOT, there's an awful lot of pointless threads to wade through to get to the ones that actually matter and deserve our help.
Lokomotive Maschinenhaus
Lok Lokschuppen
Lok Transfertisch
Lok schwere Reparaturwerkstatt
Lok Waschhäuschenlage
Lokomotive Reparaturgrube
casa locomotora
taller de motores de locomotoras
cobertizo locomotora
casa de máquinas locomotoras
mesa de transferencia locomotora
centro de servicio de locomotora
taller de reparación pesada locomotora
cobertizo lavado locomotora
boxes de reparación de locomotoras
locomotive engine shop
locomotive shed
locomotive engine house
locomotive transfer table
locomotive repair facility
locomotive heavy repair shop
locomotive washing shed
locomotive repair pit
If it walks like a duck ... and quacks like a duck ... it probably is a duck