might be back?
I am coming on here to voice my concern about how N3V conducted itself over a forum squabble this past weekend. From what I have gathered, there was a minor altercation on the forums involving a very very small percentage of the population of this forum, which caused N3V to do something that is, in my opinion, bad moderation, and close the forum to put everyone in time out. This, no offense intended, is poor moderation for a fan forum, let alone an official forum for the company. Doing something like this not only angers, and alienates your customer base, but also the virtual sim railroading community as a whole. I have seen several people talking about how they might as well move to Railworks or whatever they are currently calling it, due to this.
The proper response to some users causing trouble, particularly one which appears to be at fault from what I have read, is to probate those users. Give them, and only them, a time out. Why the hell did I get banned for 24 hours over something that someone else did. That is, with no offense meant, very poor moderation, and reflects badly on the company as a whole.
Quite frankly, the new CoC, in the way it is worded, concerns me. It seems very gestapo-esq in the way it is worded. Quite frankly, the way it is worded is, and I use this term with respect, absolute bullsh*t. The way it is set up right now, noone can have a differing opinion, or debate any opinions with anyone else. This includes the current release of trainz, which, without debate, how will it get any better. So what the new CoC says is that if someone were to come on complaining about how TANE is horrible and stuff like that, I am unable to give my opinion that it isn't horrible, just a typical trainz release, nothing too ground breaking, but it works about as good as Trainz normally does when it is newly released, and that the bugs may or may not be fixed? That hardly seems productive. I stick by my, now undebatable, opinion that that is a pretty amateur way to run a forum.
And quite frankly, I like the moderators on this forum and don't blame them. The responsibility for this fiasco rests solely on the shoulders of someone who decided that it was amateur hour and that it was time to make N3V and Trainz the laughing stock of the simulator community rather than deal with the situation properly. We will call this person mountain man, since we are not allowed to criticize decisions of anyone anymore, so I am playing it safe by criticizing a fictional person.
Anyway, as a disclaimer, I in no way, shape, or form intend to antagonize anyone or incite any forums drama or anything like that. I mean no offense to anyone and I agree with everyone's opinion ever stated on this forum. The purpose of this post is not to attack or bully anyone, but to make my opinion known that what was done was unacceptable in my opinion and did harm to the community as a whole, and that certain people need to rethink whether they are a CEO running a company, or a 14 year old running his first forum without actually knowing how to deal with it properly.
In my opinion, I am fully in compliance with the current, poorly written, easily abused CoC. I know that that doesn't really matter though, so whatever.
I am coming on here to voice my concern about how N3V conducted itself over a forum squabble this past weekend. From what I have gathered, there was a minor altercation on the forums involving a very very small percentage of the population of this forum, which caused N3V to do something that is, in my opinion, bad moderation, and close the forum to put everyone in time out. This, no offense intended, is poor moderation for a fan forum, let alone an official forum for the company. Doing something like this not only angers, and alienates your customer base, but also the virtual sim railroading community as a whole. I have seen several people talking about how they might as well move to Railworks or whatever they are currently calling it, due to this.
The proper response to some users causing trouble, particularly one which appears to be at fault from what I have read, is to probate those users. Give them, and only them, a time out. Why the hell did I get banned for 24 hours over something that someone else did. That is, with no offense meant, very poor moderation, and reflects badly on the company as a whole.
Quite frankly, the new CoC, in the way it is worded, concerns me. It seems very gestapo-esq in the way it is worded. Quite frankly, the way it is worded is, and I use this term with respect, absolute bullsh*t. The way it is set up right now, noone can have a differing opinion, or debate any opinions with anyone else. This includes the current release of trainz, which, without debate, how will it get any better. So what the new CoC says is that if someone were to come on complaining about how TANE is horrible and stuff like that, I am unable to give my opinion that it isn't horrible, just a typical trainz release, nothing too ground breaking, but it works about as good as Trainz normally does when it is newly released, and that the bugs may or may not be fixed? That hardly seems productive. I stick by my, now undebatable, opinion that that is a pretty amateur way to run a forum.
And quite frankly, I like the moderators on this forum and don't blame them. The responsibility for this fiasco rests solely on the shoulders of someone who decided that it was amateur hour and that it was time to make N3V and Trainz the laughing stock of the simulator community rather than deal with the situation properly. We will call this person mountain man, since we are not allowed to criticize decisions of anyone anymore, so I am playing it safe by criticizing a fictional person.
Anyway, as a disclaimer, I in no way, shape, or form intend to antagonize anyone or incite any forums drama or anything like that. I mean no offense to anyone and I agree with everyone's opinion ever stated on this forum. The purpose of this post is not to attack or bully anyone, but to make my opinion known that what was done was unacceptable in my opinion and did harm to the community as a whole, and that certain people need to rethink whether they are a CEO running a company, or a 14 year old running his first forum without actually knowing how to deal with it properly.
In my opinion, I am fully in compliance with the current, poorly written, easily abused CoC. I know that that doesn't really matter though, so whatever.