A Good utility


New member
Hii everyone

I have one question.. A long time ago i saw a really good utility that could change objects in the surveyor lets take for example if you hade a big route with 720mm track you could change the track to standard size just buy changing the tracks in this utility insted of redoing the track from scratch with standard size

I have searcht for it a really long time now , and i know that there is a utility that kan switch objects but where can i find it?? some one who knows?

I hope some one does understand what i am talking about and sry for my bad english :(

greetings Adrian
Hi Adrian,

I think what you want is Vistamare Trainzmap. It comes built in with 2006, or you can dowload it from vistamare. Not sure of the link but have a look in Google, I'm sure google will find it.

Replacing an Object in Trainz Objectz

Replacing an Object in Trainz Objectz:

Take a backup copy of the layout before experimenting, just in case. Apologies if that's obvious.

1 - Under the Maps tab, choose the route from the drop down box.
2 - Find the track and right click, there is an option for replacing the item chosen.
3 - When you choose to replace, TO will change the lists to the corresponding type then tell you to choose the new item and hit F7.
4 - Go to either the Custom or Built-in tab for what you want, find the new item and select then hit F7. It will take a bit but it will replace the item.

You can also replace track on things like crossings that use certain track and don't change when joining track, you just have to know what track to look for. If a crossing uses 1-track wood and nothing else in the route does, find 1-track wood and mass replace it.

Each time you replace things this way, TO auto-creates a backup copy. However, if one already exists it may get overridden by a new backup so either move the first backup somewhere or plan ahead and do all your replacements at once.

You can replace anything this way, ground textures, vehicles, etc. Just be careful about things like industries with attached track since no two usually are the same, OR

Right click on an item you want removed. Select replace object. Click OK then press F8 to replace the object with a non existing kuid. Do this for all objects you want deleted. Exit TO and then bring up the map in surveyor. You will get the black screen for missing assets. Just load the map anyway then in the surveyor menu select delete missing assets and everything you replaced in the map using TO will be gone. ... as long as you remember to delete the chump file before exiting TO!

Hope this helps you, Regards Jeff.
Thanks to all the good answers will try them out. Actually the content i want to replace dosent exist beacause i downloaded a really good route yesterday and i downloaded all the missing assets But i coudn't find the switches/levers for the crossings and so one(i think you get an ide of what i am talking about?,),, so i just thought why not just replace them with a invisible lever? is that possible to do with vistamare or the other way discribed by jeffjgale? or is there something else i have to do?

and ofcourse i have aldready email the author of the contents but i have a bad feeling that i won't get the content.

anyway again thanks for all the replys

greetings Adrian
If you're using TRS2004 Trainz Objectz will also do this and a lot better than Vista Mare as it will also replace the track in stations and industries.

thanks for al the replys

I have one more question i am searching for a utility that can install all my content because i have about 500 old content that i would like to install but it will take to long to extract it one by one. Now i have trz2004 if i had 2006 i think the content manager plus could fix that but in 2004 isn't the case so is there a porgram that can help me with this so called little problem

or maybe i am just a little lazy but damn 500 that will take all day long

anyway greetings Adrian

and again thanks for the help above :)