"A fleet of modernisation" A Mystery.


New member
Hi all you wizards in Trainzland.

Until quite recently I was using "A fleet of modernisation"(paid for and registered) on my layout in TS2012 V61388.

For some reason which I cannot figure out the "fleet of modernisation" assets have vanished after working well for quite a long time.

When I look at the assets in content manager they are shown as 'built in content' and 'open for edit'. (until this problem I have never attempted to clone or modify them in any way)

When I try to commit them I am advised 'not authorised to do so', when I try to delete and re-install them again I am again 'not authorised to do so' as they are built in content.

I find that if I clone them in TS2010 and CDP them to TS2012 they show up in red. I have run extended data base repair to no avail.

So I cannot commit, re-install or clone them - they have just gone!

I am lost for ideas now and I think that I have just lost the use of the "A fleet of modernisation" pack which is a shame.

Anyone else got this problem?

Old Bill (not a wizard)
Mine has stopped working also and I have had it installed for over 2 years now. I tried to reinstall it but it still does not show up in driver. I opened a ticket but did not get a good answer and I am still waiting for a week now for this payware to start working again. Mine is not open for edit it just sits there doing nothing :'(
Hi guys,

I thought I was the only one having this problem. It was fine a while back, then it just disappeared without any reason. I have posted a ticket to helpdesk, so maybe they have an answer.
After patching to 61388, the way to get this payware, assuming it is registered to the same account (visible via SimulatorCentral), is downloading it inside the game.

To do so, go into the game, go to the updates menu (even when showing 0) and "re-download" your payware.

Not behind my game PC at the moment, so don't know the exact names of the buttons, but I hope the instructions are clear enough.
After patching to 61388, the way to get this payware, assuming it is registered to the same account (visible via SimulatorCentral), is downloading it inside the game.

To do so, go into the game, go to the updates menu (even when showing 0) and "re-download" your payware.

Not behind my game PC at the moment, so don't know the exact names of the buttons, but I hope the instructions are clear enough.

Actually applies to all TS12 SP1 builds.

Get New Content > Redownload all purchases (Green button at bottom)

Also need to make sure that in Main Menu > Options, automatically download DLC Updates is ticked.

May have to close TS12 and restart for the downloads to kick in after changing the above.
I purchased this payware when I was using TS2010 and now TS12 since before SP1 and this is no way in the hot place I am upgrading my TS12 to SP1, I hate SP1! Fix it so we can use it!!!
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I purchased this payware when I was using TS2010 and now TS12 since before SP1 and this is no way in the hot place I am upgrading my TS12 to SP1, I hate SP1! Fix it so we can use it!!!

According to your post you already have upgraded to Sp1, TS12 Build 57898 IS SP1, 49922 is the last build of TS12 before SP1 57898 is bugged anyway so you are better off with 61388.

Might want to look at the build versions http://online.ts2009.com/mediaWiki/index.php/Trainz_build_versions.

Extract below.

Build 49922
-Minor revision, added support for Aerotrain DLC
Build 50027
-German Release
Build 50406
-French Release
Build 51054
-Dutch Release
Build 52143
-Russian, Japanese, Polish Release
Build 57720
-TS12 SP1 English
Build 57825
-TS12 SP1 Hotfix 1 English
Build 57898
-TS12 SP1 Hotfix 2 English
Build 58414
-TS12 SP1 Hotfix 3 English
Build 61297
-TS12 SP1 Steam English
Build 61388
-TS12 SP1 Hotfix 4 English
I was curious so I took a look and lo and behold my FOM is missing too :'(. I tried to redownload content, but I got a message saying my content was refreshed. I took a look and still no FOM.

Has anyone got a reply on a help desk ticket yet?

I was curious so I took a look and lo and behold my FOM is missing too :'(. I tried to redownload content, but I got a message saying my content was refreshed. I took a look and still no FOM.

Has anyone got a reply on a help desk ticket yet?



having the same issue, I tried contacting helpdesk. They contacted me back and asked for my build number; I replied... But I'm still waiting to hear back from them. So far, I am less than happy with how this issue is being handled. Hopefully they will fix this soon.
I have the same issue. The content appears fine in Content Manager, meaning no errors and appears to be built-in because it's a pack. Then content, however, is missing in TS12 its self. I'm running SP1 HF4.

Should not I have had it since before TS12 even in my TS2010 install.

I don't think so because other content upgraded fine to the current method of installing. In fact I remember seeing the pack installed some time ago in the not so distant past so to me this means something broke recently. Maybe the last server glitch did something to the licensing on this content which could make it not appear in-game.

I agree, I am unable to enter my license it says it is invalid. I have had this license since I purchased this pack 2 years ago.
What builds of TS12 is this happening on?
Thinking back a bit, wasn't there one or two items of DLC that were not on the new DLC system when it appeared? Wondering if perhaps now they are and it's killed of the original manual installs? I don't have the Fleet of Modernisation so can't check.
Hi Trainzland.

I started this thread - I had been using FOM as a background service passing through my yard just to add a bit of movement whilst shunting. One day it was working and the next it was not there. I think it disappeared after a database repair - it did not come back!

I have tried the ideas gleaned from the forum with no success! I am running v.61388. FOM is still is working on my TS2010 layout (which does not run NKP which I use in TS2012.) It cannot be cdp'd from 2010 to 2012.

I find that my Maria's Pass is also suffering from a general loss/disapperance of assetts so I think that someone in Trainzland has it in for me -

I wish someone at NP3 would concentrate on putting TS2012 to rights and give T'ane a miss for a few days as this is no encouragement for me to buy into it.

thanks for ideas folks!

Old Bill (no wizard)