54ft Covered Hoppers

I'm been trying to download various 54ft covered hoppers
(for example:<kuid2:56063:100869:1> 54ft3 BayHopper Western Pacific 12050 LARS) from the Download Station and keep getting an error of a missing dependency of:

<kuid:-10:199> 54ft covered hopper

and the T:ANE TrainContent manager reports that the asset is available for download but it will not download.

Is the hopper out of date? Is there an update somewhere?

I really need some additional hoppers for the soda ash route I'm building.

Thanks for the help,
Don Bennett
Evanston, WY
G'day Don, I just downloaded that hopper and all of the dependencies loaded OK, only thing was the dreaded tga used as a thumbnail.
I can only suggest that you delete the main file "<kuid2:56063:100869:1>" and download it again and see if it will download the missing dependency then.
also, check your "open for edit" and see if it is there as I have found that sometimes if they are not committed on download they are regarded as missing.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for replying, Barrie. I appreciate it.

I did as you suggested (deleted the asset, downloaded it and checked for "open for edit") but got the same result of the missing asset. Here's the list of the dependencies for the asset:

<kuid:-10:199> 54ft covered hopper
<kuid2:151900:100039:2> Barley
<kuid2:30671:9110411:2> Barley
<kuid2:30671:9252390:2> Cement
<kuid2:30671:9070990:2> Corn
<kuid2:39134:100229:2> Coupler Truck 4 Bay Hopper Front
<kuid2:39134:100230:2> Coupler Truck 4 Bay Hopper Rear
<kuid:-25:42> default wagon
<kuid2:30671:9110100:2> Flour
<kuid2:46162:60001:13> Grain HP
<kuid2:30671:925171003:2> Gravel, lose
<kuid2:30671:9130213:2> Hops
<kuid:-25:619> IndustryObjectIcon
<kuid2:30671:9252101:2> Limestone aggregate
<kuid2:30671:9110710:3> Malt
<kuid2:30671:9110412:2> Oats
<kuid2:30671:9070810:2> Peas
<kuid2:30671:9252020:2> Plaster
<kuid2:30671:9390110:2> Plastic granular
<kuid2:30671:9250510:2> Quartz sand
<kuid2:30671:9100620:2> Rice
<kuid2:30671:925059001:2> Sand
<kuid2:30671:925059002:2> Sand with gravel
<kuid2:30671:9283620:2> Soda ash
<kuid2:30671:9120100:2> Soya beans
<kuid2:30671:9170199:2> Sugar
<kuid2:30671:92601122:3> Taconite pellets
<kuid2:30671:9100810:2> Wheat
<kuid:-3:10002> Woodchips

It is the very first dependency that has "Available for download" in the status column and when I attempt to download the asset, well, nothing happens. It's pretty interesting that you can download everything but I can download everything but the essential dependency.

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks again and take care,

Don Bennett
Evanston, WY
If I recall that's a built in item from other versions and may not be in TANE yet its just a left over kuid asset in which you can delete that line from the kuid-table...
You may want to look at other 54-foot covered hoppers. Dave Snow (davesnow) made a lot of them. So did Jointed Rail which are available in packs from their freeware links (you still need to create an account to access), and many. many others.

These alternatives may suffice until the built-ins are updated.

I have a fleet of covered hoppers on the DLS that are set up for both soda ash; in case you're interested. Look for 54ft PS Hopper and you can choose from 158 of them.

I believe that most of the covered hoppers that I've skinned are set up for soda ash. :)