...gee, I accidently deleted that e-mail...

thothagrammaton, I think I understand your query, you have files which will not open in TRS.
And...so...set the texture files, with the hopper styled, in a separate file.
Then open PaintShed Pro, open a new 54' covered hopper file. Don't do a paint job on this hopper. Save the file using the text, and description that Ed used for the hopper. This goe's to your TRS/World/Custom Folder.
Then, open the folder, remove the blank texture, and add Ed Wells, texture.
As far as I can remember, Ed Wells is very much alive, and not dead. You may catch him from time to time at the
TrainzPro Routes Forum
The idea of using Ed's texture file, is a no go. First, my non-working files, show a center-flow hopper, where he used a outside-braced 54'covered hopper-a PaintShed Pro Item.
Let Ed, take care of re-uploading the files, under his kuid.
The real problem here, is a config.txt issue. By updating, and using the file in your sim, your not, of course hurting anyone, based on the general EULA.
The center-flow car, is a different mesh, created by Auran. The problem, is starting where these meshes originate, and not starting where someone else has created a credible likeness, and gone on further.
There is no harm, in uploading anything you have created, just make sure you start with an original mesh, and style the texture file.
The only authorization occurs, when you start with someones original mesh, and style a cool texture, and wish to upload to the DLS. Most of the time, they only wish to be recognized by us in the Auran Community, and we definitely wish them to be recognized-Give Ed his flowers, he's still alive, but don't try to re-style his original content.
The only controversy, is selling someone elses creation. Just providing the kuid numbers, is not selling the content, even for payware.
Whilst your at it, research for some cool roller-bearing bogie's, so I may update these no-shows!