Euphod 54ft Covered Hopper Paintshed Skins


New member
Although I have been a user of TRS2006 SP1 for quite some time, this is my first forum post. I recently downloaded a few of Euphod's 54ft covered hoppers, which are paintshed skins, but have found that they show up in neither Surveyor nor Railyard. I have become fairly proficient at manipulating kuid's, etc in CMP and CCP to make assets work, but this one has me stumped. I have Paintshed installed. An example of this problem is kuid 7592:100092, which is the 54ft Covered Hopper DMIR. Any tips would be appreciated. :)
It needs three built ins.
-10:199 Alias
-1:100008 bogey (not in 2004 sp4 paintshed)
-1:42004201 enginespec

Got this error from cache/logs/log0.html

Reskin asset Downloads/kuid 7592 100092 does not match the original asset (<kuid:-10:199>)
Thanks for the input Lynxfan! I ended up replacing the -1:100008 bogies with nice ones by Linda Cummings and her hubby, who have done a number of reskins of the Euphod hoppers. I basically went back to ground zero with the Paintshed hopper template and reconstructed the car I cited in the original post with the bogies, etc. Thanks again! :D ed's re-skins...

:cool: ...come to think of it, the first place to go for correcting PaintShed Pro content, is a config.txt file from some simular car done in your PSP utility.

However I'm glad to find out about a replacement bogey, what did you say that kuid was?
Reskinned Reskin Reclarification

The bogies I used to replace -1:100008 were kuid:39134:100229 and 39134:100230, available on the DLS. I had originally posted that Carol Cummings had used these on reskins of Euphod's 54ft covered hoppers; after rereading her config file descriptions I realized it was Majekear's cars she had reskinned, not Euphod's. It was Euphod's hoppers which had been the subject of the original post and had been invisible in Surveyor and Paintshed. Sorry for the mix up. I indeed ultimately modified the config file from Carol's PSP car with data from the Euphod cars, along with info from the hopper template in PSP to rectify the situation. I have used this as a learning experience for myself, and do not wish to plagiarize or step on anyone's creative toes with my modifications. Perhaps someone can let me know what I can and can't do as far as creating and displaying this kind of info in this forum. If you wish, and if it is appropriate, I can post an original Euphod config file and then the final config file with the replacement bogies, etc.; I believe it would be a nice guide for people at my limited level of experience with config files to learn from. Thanks for your input, Backyard, especially since we are are both Tennessee boys! :D

:cool: I understand completely, of the perplexing problem!

Ed Wells, did a great job, whilst he was here and a contributing, member!

TRS, is a complete learning experience, to make the program not only work the marvelous way it is designed to work, but to advance on Further, to acheive what we are seeking.

Thanks thothagrammaton, for your question, as I have several cars not showing, and haven't had time to do the new fix. is entered, into Notepad, and saved for later!
...gee, I accidently deleted that e-mail...

:cool: thothagrammaton, I think I understand your query, you have files which will not open in TRS. the texture files, with the hopper styled, in a separate file.

Then open PaintShed Pro, open a new 54' covered hopper file. Don't do a paint job on this hopper. Save the file using the text, and description that Ed used for the hopper. This goe's to your TRS/World/Custom Folder.

Then, open the folder, remove the blank texture, and add Ed Wells, texture.

As far back as I can remember, Ed Wells is very much alive, and not dead. You may catch him from time to time at the TrainzPro Routes Forum

The idea of using Ed's texture file, is a no go. First, my non-working files, show a center-flow hopper, where he used a outside-braced 54'covered hopper-a PaintShed Pro Item.

The real problem here, is a config.txt issue. By updating, and using the file in your sim, your not, of course hurting anyone, based on the general EULA.

The center-flow car, is a different mesh, created by Auran. The goal, is starting where these meshes originate, and not starting where someone else has created a credible likeness, and go on further.

There is no harm, in uploading anything you have created, just make sure you start with an original mesh, and style the texture file.

The only authorization occurs, when you start with someones original mesh, and style a cool texture, and wish to upload to the DLS. Most of the time, they only wish to be recognized by us in the Auran Community, and we definitely wish them to be recognized-Give Ed his flowers, I really think he's still alive, but don't try to re-style his original content.

The only controversy, is selling someone elses creation. Just providing the kuid numbers, is not selling the content, even for payware.

Whilst your at it, research for some cool roller-bearing bogie's, so I may update these no-shows!
...gee, I accidently deleted that e-mail...

:cool: thothagrammaton, I think I understand your query, you have files which will not open in TRS. the texture files, with the hopper styled, in a separate file.

Then open PaintShed Pro, open a new 54' covered hopper file. Don't do a paint job on this hopper. Save the file using the text, and description that Ed used for the hopper. This goe's to your TRS/World/Custom Folder.

Then, open the folder, remove the blank texture, and add Ed Wells, texture.

As far as I can remember, Ed Wells is very much alive, and not dead. You may catch him from time to time at the TrainzPro Routes Forum

The idea of using Ed's texture file, is a no go. First, my non-working files, show a center-flow hopper, where he used a outside-braced 54'covered hopper-a PaintShed Pro Item.

Let Ed, take care of re-uploading the files, under his kuid.

The real problem here, is a config.txt issue. By updating, and using the file in your sim, your not, of course hurting anyone, based on the general EULA.

The center-flow car, is a different mesh, created by Auran. The problem, is starting where these meshes originate, and not starting where someone else has created a credible likeness, and gone on further.

There is no harm, in uploading anything you have created, just make sure you start with an original mesh, and style the texture file.

The only authorization occurs, when you start with someones original mesh, and style a cool texture, and wish to upload to the DLS. Most of the time, they only wish to be recognized by us in the Auran Community, and we definitely wish them to be recognized-Give Ed his flowers, he's still alive, but don't try to re-style his original content.

The only controversy, is selling someone elses creation. Just providing the kuid numbers, is not selling the content, even for payware.

Whilst your at it, research for some cool roller-bearing bogie's, so I may update these no-shows!