'04 Surveyor Toolz


Active member
I had a collection of Surveyor "pins" that were called "toolz". Can anyone point me in the right direction for re-downloading them? Thanks!

BTW, Since I have everyone's attention, I'm looking for some ideas how to locate accuate x,y coordinates either while creating a DEM or while in Surveyor. I have coordinates for key items along a route that I would like to place as accurately as possible. I can either locate them with the above pins or, while while creating the DEM I could locate them with a splash of color on the Tiger jpg. The problem is, not not sure how to find the coordinates using either meathod. Thanks again for the help and/or ideas.
The pins you are looking for are by martinvk. Search on the DLS for his content.

Check out the TransDEM thread in the Payware forum for a solution to your other question.

Thanks for the help William. I got 'em. He also has a lat / long reader I downloaded, although I'm not sure yet how it works.

TransDEM looks like a great program, especially when working with historic topo's like I am, but after reading the posts regarding using it, it looks way over my head. It's sounds like you need to be a geotech to use it..LOL
TransDEM is really quite easy to use. Geophil includes tutorials that walk you through the entire process and he is very willing to answer questions.

I was slow to buy the program thinking it was too complex for me but once I got it and worked through the tutorials I was able to use it with ease.


The Lat/Lon reader works in conjunction with the WOM (World Orientation Marker) in the Surveyor "Earth" tools. When you set the WOM to a specific point on the Earth (N or S & E or W) and place a Lat/Lon marker anywhere on your route, it will indicate the coordinates for that point - based on what the WOM is set to. We used this method a great deal when telling each other where glitches were on the DHR.

I would exercise utmost care using lat/long indications as reported by Surveyor. The geographic projection in Trainz is an attribute feature based on a simplified formula. Particularly in conjunction with large scale maps or orthophotos (Google Earth) lat/long positions will be conspicuously wrong. The error becomes worse with increasing distance to the World Origin object. Furthermore it is non-linear and also differs in east/west and north/south directions.


Our usage of the WOM and the Lat/Lon reader were purely as a reference to the WOM. In fact, we didn't even reset the default settings for the WOM - we just used it as is. I knew from previous experience how inaccurate the readings would be. All it gave us was a common method of taking note of areas that needed improvement. Used in this manner it is hard to beat.

If this use of the WOM is intended, then the methodology for pointing out errors is useful.
