I am looking at getting a new laptop with the following specs:
AMD Turion II Processor
2.4 Ghz Speed
3GB Ram
2MB on die level 2 cache memory
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 Graphics Card
Will this be enough to run Trainz 2010 without really turning down the graphics or will I need a bit more...
I want to use the Bock Beer factory but cannot figure out what car to use to ship out the beer. I have tried box cars but they don't seem to be compatable. Does anyone know which car to use?
I placed some signals on my layout and they would not work right. They would either change to red (which was the incorrect signal) or cycle throught red yellow green continiously. Any suggestions?
I downloaded several items from the download station but they do not show up in surveyor. They are listed as downloaded and installed in the content manager as well. Is there something else I am not doing correctly to get them to show up in surveyor?
I keep trying to use the download station but I keep getting a error message stating that the server is full, try again later. Is anyone else running into this?
I just got Trainz 2 days ago so I am still new. I have been looking at the forums for some answers but could not find them. I have 2 questions:
1: What does DLS mean?
2: Is there a link to where I can find the rerailer portal?
I have a model railroad in my basement I have been working on...
Hello all!
I am a model railroader and purchased a copy of Trainz Railroad Simulator 2006. I tried to install it but when CD Key they gave me does not have enough numbers/letters in it to fill the spaces (I am missing 1 set of 4 numbers/letters). Has anyone else ran into this problem?