DVD 2019 version


Is there a DVD version of Trainz 2019? I have tried 3 times to download the digital version of Trainz 2019 Premium version over the last 6-7 hours and unless there is a DVD version I will require my money be returned, no if ands or buts about it. Actually it is my fault for even buying the digital version because trying to download a program that large is a lesson in futility especially in Windows 10. Anyone trying to offer a solution forget it because there is no viable solution to digital downloads when there are 2 major variables involved, slow internet connection and Windows 10. I would settle for about any Trainz program on DVD if 2019 version isn't available and why Trainz 2019 isn't available on DVD is beyond my comprehension to begin with.
I asked that question a year ago and the answer was that 2019 was only available in digital download.
All my versions prior to 2019 were installed from a DVD, the years go by and everything changes and is modernized.
Almost all current computers do not usually have a DVD player, almost everything works by digital download, you cannot fight against progress.
There is no DVD version for TRS19, and I don't think they won't be stocking those in as well.
Also, you'll be better off with the digital version, as the DVD version also used the 30 day online DRM check (which I hate).

T:ANE won't be an option for you, either, since it's digital download only and also has the DRM check.
Well, TANE that depends.
If you got the digital version, then online DRM checks.
However if you got the DVD version of TANE, then it uses the traditional serial number, so no online DRM

Well the main point is, you shouldn't have trouble downloading it. Win 10 isn't an issue here and certainly wouldn't affect the download, how many hundreds or thousands have already been downloadd. Make sure your anti-virus isn't blocking it, and if you have any error messages, post them for answers.
Well, TANE that depends.
If you got the digital version, then online DRM checks.
However if you got the DVD version of TANE, then it uses the traditional serial number, so no online DRM


Unfortunately, the DRM-free DVD version of T:ANE is no longer available, and hasn't been in quite some time.
Yeah. I was lucky to upgrade from digital to box at the time.
You might be able to find a box version on a 3rd party site, but so far I haven't seen any..

I suppose you could download the installer and then burn that to a DVD if you really needed one. I keep copies of the installers on my system, but I am guessing they will only be used to save the download next time I need them.
A long shot: You have a slow internet. Is there a local library anywhere near (or far) from where you live?. Get your self a flash drive with enough capacity, and try to download directly to flash using the fast speed at the library. My 19 was installed this way. Of course I did it at home as I run a fast internet, but somehow I like to install from my own source, in this case a flash. You should be able todo the same. At the end, that flash is your DVD to keep.
Well, TANE that depends.
If you got the digital version, then online DRM checks.
However if you got the DVD version of TANE, then it uses the traditional serial number, so no online DRM

Thanks for the info. I didn't know TANE ever came in a DVD / no online DRM version. If I can find one, I'll buy it...even though I already have it downloaded.
What I did back when I had a crap internet connection was get a 4G router and a data sim and used that to download with.