CSX Saginaw Run **19 PIX**


Canadian National
Well today we took a lil drive over to Michigan to see what they have in store for us today...We decided to fan the CSX Saginaw Sub and when we got there we seen the Home Depot local coming on duty for the day

We then followed it over to the Home Depot where it will go and pick up 2 empties and take them to the Home Depot warehouse and swap them 2 for loads

Here we see it passing a junk pile

Coming closer now to Home Depot

At Home Depot he grabs the 2 empties and pulls them out from the docks

With the empties in tow he is off now to the big warehouse

At the spur that leads to the warehouse the conductor hops out and onto the back of the last car as it prepares to make its backwards movement down the line

At the warehouse he cuts the empties

and grabs a few loaded boxcars and a centerbeam

On the way back up the branch line headed for the main line

Back on the main line he goes into a small yard where he will run around the train and pull LHF back to Home Depot

And the last shot of the day we see him spotting the loads at Home Depot

Well that ends the day for this trip, we will go back to the motel and come back again tomarrow on this line and see what we can catch