Signaling Guide TS2004


New member
I'm a TS2010 user. Had an eye on most available information regarding sgnalling. I heard that the TS2004 signalling guide is very useful. Where can I get hold of the signalling guide as provided for TS2004?

You may have to buy a copy of TRS2004 as this is part of the documentation included on the CD. It should still be available, at least in the UK (for under a fiver) - I bought one fairly recently when my original CD exploded into thousands of small fragments in the CD drive and I wanted still to use that version because of the amount of content I had already created and the routes which I had built - even though I've updated to 2010. Other than that, there are books on signalling available eg. by Cyril Freezer fo UK practice, also for real life signalling.


I've just found this address for a signalling guide which I downloaded and added to my collection some time ago:
Part 5 deals with signalling, but I don't know how it would apply to South African practice.
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So why is the signalling guide not in TS2010?

After fully converting to TS2010, I made the fatal mistake of chucking TRS 2004, TRS2006, and TC1&2 as I felt I would never use them again. Today I looked for the signalling guide in TS2010 and no where to be found. I am aware of the online tutorial at
often referenced in these forums, and I've bookmarked it and it has been helpful, but as I recall not as complete as the signalling guide Auran put out. Three questions:
1. Am I correct it is not included in TS2010?
2. I looked on Auran's website and can't find it there. Anyone find it there?
2. Which older version(s) included it so I can look for that version in the bargain bin at Fry's or Best Buy or on ebay or whatever?
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Three questions:
1. Am I correct it is not included in TS2010?

What is not included - all the signaling basic apply to TS2010

2. I looked on Auran's website and can't find it there. Anyone find it there?

Because it was Auran guide and since the no longre own the company that may be part of it or that its just a over sight

2. Which older version(s) included it so I can look for that version in the bargain bin at Fry's or Best Buy or on ebay or whatever?

Why not ask if somebody can just send you the PDF file
There is a Signalling Guide PDF included with TRS2004 and a Microsoft Word DOC included with UTC. I have both installed and just checked and they are there. You actually threw your old versions away in the garbage? :eek: :n: :p Oh well, since they are old versions, you could possibly pick up one cheaply from eBay or whereever. I would go for one that is still sealed and has never been registered by some one on Planet Auran; you never know if you might want to actually check out that old versions some time! ;)

Yes sadly I did "toss them"

3 reasons:

1. Never spent much time in TRS2004 at all. Just didn't have much spare time back then.
2. When I bought TC1&2, it also came bundled with TRS2006 as a 2 DVD set. TC1&2 is what got me into Trainz hardcore. I spent my time in TC1&2 building routes (since I got into light rail transit and Metropolis-Modula City seemed a good place to start) which then I imported into TS2010. Never spent much time in TRS2006.
3. TS2010 runs much better on my Sony laptop than TC1&2, so I gave my old desktop to my neighbors. Now I have 3 old versions with no prospective use, and I am getting ready to move, so out they went. Heresy I admit.

I'll keep my eyes open for a TRS2004 to get the signalling guide. I stilll think it should have been included in TS2010. Thanks for the advice.