YouTube Stuttering - Is it me or them???


Still Learning
Howdy Folks...............

This may be a dumb question, and the answer may be obvious......except to me. When I am viewing videos of Trainz on YOUTUBE, is the stuttering on MY END, or was the recorded stuttering from THEIR END????:confused:
Probably Youtube. The videos from Youtube are streamed, that is, the downloading video bit stream is stored in a buffer file on your computer and your computer starts to display the video as soon as the buffer has x% of the data. If the required data rate for playback of the video exceeds the download rate, the buffer will empty and the video will pause while it builds back to x%. You can hit the pause button on the video player to allow the buffer to fill to a greater value then hit play.

Probably Youtube. The videos from Youtube are streamed, that is, the downloading video bit stream is stored in a buffer file on your computer and your computer starts to display the video as soon as the buffer has x% of the data. If the required data rate for playback of the video exceeds the download rate, the buffer will empty and the video will pause while it builds back to x%. You can hit the pause button on the video player to allow the buffer to fill to a greater value then hit play.


Thank you:wave: Bob..........I see other simulations with no problem, and plenty from Trainz with no problem. When I see the stutter, I assume their computer is at fault. It always seems to be someone stating that "this is my first video".:hehe:
If any other program is accessing data via the Internet like a download, this would cause the video to stall as it is time sharing with the other application.
Thank you all for the clarifications. It is really no problem. I was thinking if the scene is recorded with stutter, then I would see it. Take care.:wave: