Surveyor Compass navigating question


Well-known member
Google Earth has the R key to get the compass pointing directly north.

Is there a quick way in Surveyor to do the same thing ? Right now I'm just lining the compass up with the baseboard grids, but I'm hoping there's a faster way.
Not sure what you're asking. The compass north is always lined up with the baseboard grid north.

If you want the north to be aligned to the top of the screen, use the R and L arrows to rotate the baseboards.

If you want the north to be aligned exactly to the top of the screen with a single click, no there isn't an easy way, but L/R arrows aren't hard to use.

Incidentally, if you are building a prototype real-world-based route, as I am, then there are 4 different "norths".
1. Magnetic north, the direction to the magnetic north pole.
2. True north, the direction to the true north pole, the way the lines of longitude run on a globe.
3. Grid north. The direction the paralell grid lines on a map run. The true north longitude lines converge on the true north pole, while the grid lines on a map stay parallel.
4. Mercator north. Very similar to grid north, the way the parallel lines of a mercator zone run. This may be the same as, but could be different to, local/national grid norths. This is the north used if you use the excellent TranzDem program for generating your Trainz world from maps.

The 1st picture shows the difference between true north and grid north for Great Britain, whilst the 2nd shows the difference between local/national grid norths in GB and Ireland.


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Google Earth has the R key to get the compass pointing directly north.

Is there a quick way in Surveyor to do the same thing ? Right now I'm just lining the compass up with the baseboard grids, but I'm hoping there's a faster way.

I wish there was, I'd be using it. You can use the shift key with the arrows for a finer adjustment, still, a shortcut would be awsume
Thanks for the replies. Just a one button push to line the viewing screen with true north in Surveyor is all was asking, as the "R" button on Google earth does. It would speed things up for my route building .