Map controls during play

After you press the 4 key then press and hold the Right mouse button. That will move you around. In settings you can change the speed of movement. It's take some getting used to. Your starting point is the center of the screen. NOT where you initially click. So try to initially click and hold in the center of the screen then move mouse. You can also use arrow keys while moving to spin left or right or change the "plane" of your view. Like I said, it takes getting used to.

You can just rotate around your train by leaving focus on loco (hit 2 key) then right click, hold, and spin around with mouse movement. Use mouse scroll to zoom in and out.
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when dealing with a long train, is there a way to scroll the map then zoom in?

And you can move up and down the train in map mode with the "+" and "-" keys -- the view shifts accordingly. With superlong trains this is not terribly convenient but it does work.
