Saving Simulation Score and Stars on custom Route/Session


I have a custom route and session in TANE SP3 and want to save the ranking score and associated stars from a drive session back into the Session screen.
I have been using Driver Setup and AI (20 trains ona 2 hour session) for last 2 years running trains and am just starting out adding a ranked session now that I can get the AI to complete a session bug free

The Session starts with an Ordered List with a Ranked Session Begin(with points set) as first step., I use triggers to increase the variable ranking score through out the session at each station and associated stars (visible on the screen 1000 points and 5 stars at last trigger), after last objective the Ranked Session End code shows the speedometer chart but shows a score different than what occurred during the session (ie 206 vs 1000). A session end object puts me back to session screen, but no score or stars are saved in the session screen. There is a set of yellow bars beside the completed session.

I have coded following examples of built in sessions and payware to develop the session code.
Is there a good document somewhere that provides a good description of the various commands available?

Am I missing a code object in the session to save the score and stars? tried searching with no hits.

Thanks for any help as this is all new to me.
If there any similarities with achievements, this will not work till you upload and re-download the route and session.
Thanks for response

You mention achievements, I have not added an achievement object, do I need to? How does this interact with ranked session?

Also have never uploaded route is this a requirement?