Ore Dock Large Loader Model


New member
1. Is there a way that I can offload iron ore with the Ore Dock Large Loader Model?

The version that I got can only offload Coal.

2. What is the blue line for next to the loader?

3. How do I get this to load a ship? Where Can I see a model where it's working in Trainz 2009

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If my memory serves me, the blue line is invisible track. So you can find driveable ore ships (they're trains that look like boats) which will drive up to the dock to get loaded.

I'll let someone more familiar with the ore dock talk you thru adding more commodities.

Open the properties of the loader and set it for ore production. The blue line is there for the boat/ship track to be attached to (any invisible track will do) you place the ore ship on the track and drive to ore loader and load. The ore loader works the same way as any other industry and the ship like any other train.