Engines not appearing


New member
Hi, I typed this earlier but I don't think it went through. Not long ago my trainz (trainz 12) was for some reason doing a lot a database updates, (at least 7 or 8 in the span of very few days). It's not doing it anymore, but it seemed to delete a lot of assets. A lot of my JR locos and rolling stock are faulty, but a big concern of mine is with my K&L content. None of the locomotives appear, yet the tenders and cars do. Usually this is an easy fix, but I'm really confused, because when I go onto content manager, it says it's not faulty/missing dependencies. When I go on railyard or on route edit, I can't open or place down a K&L locomotive, but I can with tenders/cars. I've also tried switching between directx and openGL, but nothing changes. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

None of the locomotives appear, yet the tenders and cars do. Usually this is an easy fix, but I'm really confused, because when I go onto content manager, it says it's not faulty/missing dependencies. When I go on railyard or on route edit, I can't open or place down a K&L locomotive, but I can with tenders/cars.
The most common reason for an engine that is listed as error-free failing to appear when placed in Surveyor is that there is a problem with the bogey. Make a list of the engines that do not appear, and check whether they have particular bogies in common. Then see if any engines that use those bogies display. If none of them display then you have found the culprit.
All engines have their respective bogies, aside from the invisible bogey (could that be it?) And it's not just a few select ones that aren't appearing, none of them are.

All engines have their respective bogies, aside from the invisible bogey (could that be it?) And it's not just a few select ones that aren't appearing, none of them are.
Did you do the analysis I suggested? Find the bogies that are common, and see if any engine that uses that bogey can be made to appear. The invisible bogey is a bogey like any other bogey.

The problem bogey will not show as faulty - if it was faulty then the engines would show with faulty dependencies.

There are other reasons that engines will not show: a problem bogey is just the most common, and the most likely when a range of engines is affected at the same time.
I looked through other engines of that bogey and found that some did appear. One I found was the auran N&W Y6b, which does work. It uses the same invisible bogey as the K&L engines, but it seems like it specifically happens to K&L engines.
You can disregard this now, I was able to preform yet another database update and now everything works again. Ironic, the thing I thought started the problem also fixed it haha. Thanks for the help!
