Rijeka, Croatia


This is my map which I maked in TRS2004 Demo. Distance is about few kilometer's and start is in Rijeka and gone to Zagreb. But, I maked only to next station, named "Sushak" (it is original name!)

This is original situation but steam locomotive doesn't work in Croatia.

Ths is locomotive depot.

Place where passenger car's cleaning.

Left is post building (yellow). Down is main station building.

Main station building. Side from square.

View from exit to Zagreb.

This is that exit, but crossing is in line not like on image, curved.

Another side, view to tunnel.

Exit at tunnel.

Continue in next post.
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And gone to Sushak.

Train is near station Sushak.

Enter in station Sushak.

Station Sushak.

View to Rijeka.

that's all folk's!
Ali uporabljaš DEM-e? Upam da boš traso kmalu končal.

Do you use DEMs? I hope that you will finish route soon.
Ali uporabljaš DEM-e? Upam da boš traso kmalu končal.

Do you use DEMs? I hope that you will finish route soon.

Ne, krenuti ću sve ispočetka slijedeći tjedan. Ovo je u Demo-u napravljeno.

No, I will make new next week. This is maked in Demo.