Your paid for software?


It appears that you pay for software, but it is actually not yours? Look but do not touch seems to be the fashion. I would strongly advise any potential buyer of software from this site to think hard and go elsewhere. This company is poisoned with greed and avarice! Also some dainty tricks up their sleeves! Take care.
It appears that you pay for software, but it is actually not yours? Look but do not touch seems to be the fashion. I would strongly advise any potential buyer of software from this site to think hard and go elsewhere. This company is poisoned with greed and avarice! Also some dainty tricks up their sleeves! Take care.

Been here since late 2001 -- Company's fine! A few potholes along the way, but nothing to throw ourselves off a bridge now!

It appears that you pay for software, but it is actually not yours?
Probably because you paid for usage rights (aka "license"). Unless you actually own the source code of the software, you hardly ever actually own the software. Welcome to the world of software. Don't be surprised that if you read the fine print of your Windows install or your Apple software, you end up discovering the same thing.
Hi Shane, I find it very sad, you are lopping off the best talent! Not that matters to you as long as you are getting a salary!
Unfortunately, I'm not getting any salary - anything I'm doing is purely voluntary (although I would love to get paid for my efforts).

It appears that you pay for software, but it is actually not yours? Look but do not touch seems to be the fashion.

This isn't news.

For example, the NVidia license agreement includes:
"The SOFTWARE is not sold, and instead is only licensed for use, strictly in accordance with this document."
"Customer may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE, nor attempt in any other manner to obtain the source code. You may not remove any copyright notices from the SOFTWARE."

There will be dozens of items of software on your machine subject to the same sort of licensing conditions, including your operating system. N3V is following industry standard practice for software manufacturers.
I never paid for the right to have my PC compromised by anyone! Microsoft are handling that issue for me. The culture surrounding trainz is eye-watering regarding revenue protection. I think to the fact that it is choking off any future talent!
I know what you mean there (as a fellow PC Trainzer) although it seems to be fairly common nowadays across the software industry. Earlier versions of Trainz don't seem to have 'revenue protection' issues as such from memory.

Thankyou for your response there - I do appreciate it. Interestingly there's a few that have suggested in the past that I should work for N3V although I would probably have to move to Australia.

Earlier versions of Trainz don't seem to have 'revenue protection' issues as such

... and that was probably one of the reasons why Auran went into receivership. I am constantly amazed by the number of posters in these forums who believe that software companies are charities and that their "donation" (the purchase price) entitles them to lifetime support (for Trainz 1.3 onwards) with unlimited high speed access to the DLS and then they complain about having to pay for DLC.

But I have whinged enough on these forums over the last 24hrs ...
Could well be although I believe the failed Fury project was the main reason.

That was the reason Auran went dead after the game Shane. It was too much to run, was quite buggy, and you had to pay for some stuff, something that was a bit uncommon at the time for games to do.
Shane Turner you have given to everybody you time your knowledge and your consideration and if people are smart enough to understand you have past on your wisdom as well,
i myself and many people in the Trainz community value all support that you have given to us.

Never have i heard you say a bad word about anybody and i hold you in the highest regards.

In consideration of all the work you have done i would like to put forward a motion to N3V that you Shane Turner have FREE access to all Trainz Software / Payware that is sold on N3V websites and have access to free high speed downloads.

Looking at all the work you have given FREE to Auran/N3V.

Regards steve123
Shane Turner you have given to everybody you time your knowledge and your consideration and if people are smart enough to understand you have past on your wisdom as well,
i myself and many people in the Trainz community value all support that you have given to us.

Never have i heard you say a bad word about anybody and i hold you in the highest regards.

In consideration of all the work you have done i would like to put forward a motion to N3V that you Shane Turner have FREE access to all Trainz Software / Payware that is sold on N3V websites and have access to free high speed downloads.

Looking at all the work you have given FREE to Auran/N3V.

Regards steve123

Thankyou steve123. I think I need to take this to a different thread as I fear I've taken this one a bit too off-topic.

I'm happy at this stage to help where I can though even if some try and knock me down (although I'm not expecting any recompense).

It appears that you pay for software, but it is actually not yours?
another one stumbles on the the fact that software is licensed and not owned. Usually buried in the fine print of the EULA but who reads those, right?
Look but do not touch seems to be the fashion. I would strongly advise any potential buyer of software from this site to think hard and go elsewhere.
and where would this mythical place be? Considering that Trainz is basically a sandbox that lets you create routes to your heart's content and if you have the talent, you can create objects to place in those routes too, where is this look but don't touch?
A hobby gives you relief from the everyday grind of modern life. It should not involve shedding out large amounts of money! It's about an interest outside of work! It is what takes you away from idiots an As****les of this world, who are determined to turn you into a wage slave! I just wish people would wake up and realise we are being exploited by morons!
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A hobby gives you relief from the everyday grind of modern life. It should not involve shedding out large amounts of money! It's about an interest outside of work! It is what takes you away from idiots an As****les of this world, who are determined to turn you into a wage slave! I just wish people would wake up and realise they are being exploited by morons!

Hobbies of any variety do cost, some more, some less. At the end of the day it's down to what you choose.

At one point I was into Nitromethane fuelled RC cars. Great fun, but awfully expensive. It turns out being a computer enthusiast might have been cheaper in the long run...
