Yesterdayz Trainz is Born, Part-I
and what we are and are not ...
Our current discussions/conversations thread starts at:
Chronologically, this will also contain some Content Creation Ideas and outlines... and we aim as part of our group think to create a lot of new content, from soup to nuts.
EVERYONE: Please do not post this thread until a notice is made that it is open for business... at the end of the build. We expect it will be several days from now, ca. early May.
and what we are and are not ...

Our current discussions/conversations thread starts at:
- the last posted page of that is:
Chronologically, this will also contain some Content Creation Ideas and outlines... and we aim as part of our group think to create a lot of new content, from soup to nuts.
- We are a self-organized community service educationally focused group of Trainz enthusiasts interested in spurring a regeneration of the busy web board activity like that in 2003-2007 before the founders made a business mistake and to avoid bankruptcy, had to sell their interest.
- It will hold discussions about our self perceived MISSION -- which we summarize as the 'hands on' training by the 'interested many' with the aid of the experienced, so the inexperienced can learn mastery by doing 'all the facets' of Trainzing of interest for the benefit of all the 'IwannaLearnThats' crowd... (aren't we all memberz?)
- We expect to systematically develop useful tutorials using a variety of methods, including the N3V Wiki and the Wikibook: , which some of us are already systematically updating.
- We are a diverse mix of Long time TRAINZ veterans, content builders, session writers and novices, eager to learn all that and more--and pass on what we know.
- We expect to be experimenting and discovering a few new techniques and sharing the knowledge.
- We are mostly approachable, interested in helping and educating, and hope to revitalize the interest in these community BBs.
- We've fairly extensive plans for tutorial generation for all aspects of Trainzing.
- We're also discussing posting an organized annotated list of useful references, histories, software tools, and other nifty links involving railroading and training and tutorials not under our control. Pooling what we collectively know, will make a good start.
- Apply for membership at our new website (link below)
EVERYONE: Please do not post this thread until a notice is made that it is open for business... at the end of the build. We expect it will be several days from now, ca. early May.
- To say it succinctly, we have limited time and a life off the forum, so please stay tuned and be patient. Moderators, please remove any extraneous posts until (and/or after) the build is up. (Contact Fabartus, Jcitron, or LWVRR with questions by email or phone.)
- The initialization has already taken several man days to collate and organize and that process is only half complete. This thread will include the groups' emails since April 6th until the general discussion thread was created See:
- We expect there will be a waiting list (for some time while we work out methods and get organized, work out means of sub-community co-ordination) to join and/or help in projects...
- These threads are moving here because email was too chaotic, and the 1000 character limit and inability to respond on the so called group forum boards even prevents posting a quoted response.
- To apply for membership:
- Enjoy, but if you are not a member, please keep your posts to a mininum. Questions and Answers, valuable contacts and assistance can all be had at that '100965' thread above.
- Informed informational posts here are welcome on topic. Our attitude is we were all beginners once, and we all have a freight train of things still to learn. But please respect and aid the group effort by refraining from unnecessary comments. This is a business page, and by and large, we also have busy lives off site. (Like Driving Trainz)
- More, we firmly believe: "There is no such thing as a Stupid Question, except the one unasked".
- What we are not is going to do it for you, or your momma, or nanny. We expect courtesy, patience and understanding that sometimes living life means being patient and waiting for one another, not whining because you have more time and likely, less responsibility. Trainz is very forgiving and flexible. If you can't do something immediately, set it aside and do the next thing... there are always a ton a bunch of tasks a route might have as an improvement.
- Good Luck and Happy Trainzing.

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