By comparison JAFA
I recently got a message that my copy of Windows 7 that I've been using for 4/5 years was suddenly invalid. A message in the lower right corner of the desktop appeared and wouldn't go away. Even a reboot didn't help.
After researching on-line, I found the easiest and quickest way to remove the message was to go to Control Panel > System and Security > See the name of this computer (under System).
At the bottom of the page you are taken to, is the line Windows activation. Below that is whether Windows has been activated or not. If not, click Change product key. This will take you to Microsoft where you re-enter the I.D. of your copy of Windows. It will ask for XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX. Enter your I.D. and if all is well, after verification has taken place for a few minutes, the message should disappear.
A friend of mine theorized that perhaps changing the motherboard about 2 weeks prior may have been the cause. Since then, no problems have occurred.
After researching on-line, I found the easiest and quickest way to remove the message was to go to Control Panel > System and Security > See the name of this computer (under System).
At the bottom of the page you are taken to, is the line Windows activation. Below that is whether Windows has been activated or not. If not, click Change product key. This will take you to Microsoft where you re-enter the I.D. of your copy of Windows. It will ask for XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX. Enter your I.D. and if all is well, after verification has taken place for a few minutes, the message should disappear.
A friend of mine theorized that perhaps changing the motherboard about 2 weeks prior may have been the cause. Since then, no problems have occurred.