Will running invisible track too close together cause problems?


Well-known member
What is the minimum spacing required between an invisible track running parallel with another so as not to hinder operation of train vehicles?

I am trying to set up a plane on a runway. The plane comes in for a landing, turns around at the opposite end, comes back up a taxiway, turns onto the runway at the point it landed and takes off. I have the "landing track" just on the left edge of the white line down the center of the runway and the "takeoff track" about a foot to the right of the landing track.The AI driver of the plane stopped just short of where the two tracks come close together. I tried driving the plane manually to see what was the matter and it derailed when it got close to the center of the runway where the two tracks are closely spaced.

Am I going to have to run a SINGLE track down the middle of the runway and use junctions to guide the plane on and off the runway? :o
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Something must be wrong with your trackwork as there is not supposed to be interaction between separate splines unless there is a junction. This is why you can see trains phasing through each other on a diamond not appropriately signal-linked.
Maybe I need a broader curve to turn the giant 747 around at the end of the runway. Vulcan did not specify the minimum turning radius required for taxiing his airplanes. Will a train vehicle collide with an invisible track elevated above the ground?

The landing track is sloping from the air to the runway to a point where the aircraft touches down to land. When the plane turns from the taxiway onto the runaway following a curved track, its nose runs right into the elevated track. Train vehicles are normally supposed to pass through track like this unbothered?

I am well aware Trainz considers "drivable" aircraft as "trains". Pilots tend to think of the imaginary path their planes fly upon as a "trajectory". My invisible track is essentially my aircraft's flight trajectory.
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I broadened the curve and the plane now can swing around without derailing. The only trouble is, the AI "pilots" seem to get confused when two tracks are ran tightly together.
Make sure you place track direction markers along the invisible track so the plane won't try to "back up", and invisible speed markers, too. You can control the speed of the plane with invisible speed markers so that it will taxi slow, then gradually pick up speed to take off. But perhaps you already knew this.

Good luck.

The only thing I seem to be having trouble with now is the Flare function. The plane indeed flares nose up when it hits the Aircraft Action Trigger set on Number 7, but the nose wheel remains up in the air even when the plane stops on the ground. I don't know the trigger code to bring the nose back down after touchdown to level the bird on the runway. Vulcan has not yet published this. I emailed him to ask him how.

I am about to try a second trigger set on Flare, 7, to see if it acts as a toggle.

Having flying scenery with the scream of jet turbofans does make train play more interesting.

Voila! The second trigger set on 7 DOES bring the nose back down indeed!!:wave:

Flare issue solved.

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