Wierd switch problem


TRS2010 Daily Driver
I've discovered a strange problem in my saved session in TRS2010. Upon starting up the session after exiting the game, all of my switches have red arrows in both directions. Nothing happens when I click on them and I haven't driven anything over a junction, as I have a sneaking suspicion as to what will happen. I'm using the built in switches, Switchstand Tall Frame 1 & Switchstand Short Frame 1. This problem is limited to saved sessions only they are fine in Surveyor and when I do a Quick Drive from Surveyor.

Any clues as to what's going on?

Did you close down the computer after saving out in quick succession, I have had this problem, when I've been to quick to close down the computer, I still forget my self sometimes and close down too fast for tadaemon to finish, and I realise what I had done, but then it was too late, and dreaded going back in to see the damage I had coursed.
Sometimes you get lucky, with few problems, other times it's your worst nightmare come true.
I don't think so (but I may have inadvertently). I am well aware of the Tadaemon early shut down problem and I always watch it in the Task Manager until it disappears before shutting down. It could be a possibility tho, good thought.

Tracks and switches have to be placed in Session Layer. If you did this while in Layout Session your switches will have the double red arrows. Go Session Layer and you'll have to redo all the switches. You may have to redo the tracks attached to the switches.
Tracks and switches have to be placed in Session Layer. If you did this while in Layout Session your switches will have the double red arrows. Go Session Layer and you'll have to redo all the switches. You may have to redo the tracks attached to the switches.

Tracks and switches in the session layer? seriously? When I edit a session (and implicitly the route) the first thing I do is to unlock the route layer. I always work in the route layer including setting driver commands and portal schedules. The game is smart enough to save these settings in the session layer. The only time I take in consideration the session layer is after creating a consist. There is no need to switch to the session layer, just click the properties button (?) on the new consist and move it to the session by selecting the session layer on the select layer widget at the top right corner of the properties window. In other words, I never touch the session layer.
I think stouhm is saying that the tracks and switches must have been placed in the Session Layer in this particular case.

Put everything into route layer except items that are specific to a session.
My mistake. I should have said to place tracks in the route layer and not the session layer. I place all my tracks and switches in the route layer so I should have reread my post. This is what happens as you get older. It's called a senior moment. Member ffccnn is correct. Sorry about that.