Why Does this happen When I Repaint

when repainting an item you are basicly altering a file. When you save said altered file, you need to save the file in the exact manor in which you found it: Ie same dimensions, file size, detail, etc....... one of the most comon causes that I get, is that my paint program will try to compress the image, Trainz does not like compressed images so it will generally ignore the texture and give the object a generic white color. You may try back tracking and re-saving it, making sure that its' specs match that of the preceeding file.

It's probably the image file that you're using. Make sure the file is uncompressed and also that it's a power of 2 (eg, 2x2, 4x4, 8x8, 16x16, 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512.....)

It it's showing up white in Trainz, then it's most probably a texture problem. Also, if you're reskinning, make sure that the image file that you're using has the same name as the original image file.

the image also has to be in an accepted format. png, psd, svg all don't work. As far as I know the only accepted formats are: tga, bmp, & jpg.
