Hey Guys ---
@ Ben -- I can see the benefits of a monorail system from our area to Orlando, but the problem also extends to the lack of transportation in Orlando.... You need a car, because without a car, forget it, it'll take you decades from one block to another! Wife and I always plan two big trips to Orlando each year -- This year we're staying at a Disney 4-star hotel (hint - sign up and get great deals via mail offer - hotel price for us $439 for a 4-star hotel, 3 days:hehe

, and we're not going close to any of the super expensive parks, however, we're stuck in traffic jams with everyone else!
The real problem is change, and there's not enough money to make these changes, regardless of what system you have planned ... monorail, HST, etc .... Let's face it, Americans do not like change unless something horrible changes. Example, when 9/11 happened the airline industries took a hit, while the rail companies saw sky high profits rise in decades, but as time went on people return to flying, and even with the high cost of flying, with no food, no blanket unless you paid for it, the airlines began seeing high profits, generally for the big carries, who decided to merge to lower their cost, but yet, increase our ticket sells.
I think before jumping into any HST system, the focus should be inner city transportation, and then expand outwards! -- People complain about gas prices rising, etc (at least we're getting a break here in Florida, for now), but if you put on a ballot, "Do you want to appropriate funds for a transpiration system" it will get shut down by the public. Let's face it, people do not like paying for anything, but yet, everyone wants a smooth ride in life! That's just reality!
Here, every time some important issue comes up they put it to a vote, and I do express my vote -- A few years back this same issue I mentioned above, about putting aside public funds for a transportation system came up on the ballot, and it got shut down by the public ... I voted yes, because it's a nightmare the traffic jam in such a small area compare to NYC, etc! -- Yet, years later traffic has gotten worse!