Which is the best "working" signalled route?


New member
My apologies if this has been asked before but I have found posts for the longest, the biggest, the best and so on, but not the best signalled route. I include in this the use of track direction marking for AI trains as it takes up a lot of time sorting out facing trains and wrecks any timetable I try to run.

Your suggestions please.
Theres a UK Signalling Tutorial on the DLS in the form of a Route.If you search for it you"ll need to make sure you have the "Trainz" box ticked in Search as its from the very early days of Trainz.
"Tehachapi" works well with AI trains. But I don't think that this is available from TPR anymore. I added portals at the ends of the mainline and set AI trains to run thru in both direction at about 20-30minute intervals, ran with no problems during a 3 hour session while I drove manually.
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